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Thread: Rod opinions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Florence, KY

    Default Rod opinions

    My son's birthday is coming up in a couple months and I want to get him a new rod for a trip to Yellowstone we're planning this summer.

    I want to get him a 4wt in 8'6" to 9' length. Unfortunately, there are no shops close by where I can have him cast a bunch of rods.

    He currently fishes with a Cabelas stow away 5 piece rod 7'6" 4 wt. He really likes the rod and the way it casts.

    So, here's what I'm looking at all 4 piece rods.

    Echo Classic
    TFO Pro Series
    Sage Launch
    Scott A2
    TFO Finnesse

    Making a rod is not in the cards. I barely have enough time to fish let alone learning to build a rod and getting good enough at it to have one that he would be proud to own by April.

    So, what are your thoughts? Which ones sould I consider that are not on the above list?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Oregon Coast(Outside of Seaside/Astoria)


    Jeff, not on your list, but a really great rod, is the Powell line of rods.(MY opinion, only of course!)
    You can check Sierra Trading post. Currently, they have Powell Advantage XL rods on sale, for $119.95, in 7'-6"x4wt.......8'-9"x3wt......9'-0" in 4-5-6wts. With hard case, included. I have two of these Powells and really like them.
    (They're normally around $200.00 to $225.00, depending on who's selling them)
    I also have a couple of TFO rods and they're also a very good piece of equipment!
    Saint Paul-"The Highly Confused"
    You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.
    -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    I'm sponsored by TFO, but I wouldn't use them if I didn't like them and they didn't perfrom up to my expetations. With that in mind, you will not go wrong with the TFO Finesse. It's a little better and faster than the Pro Series.

    I have a TFO 3-weight and TFO 2-weight in the Pro Series and I like them very much. I also have a TFO 1-weight Finesse.

    I read an article recently that compared 4-weights from several different makers. TFO wasn't named the best, but it did well in going up against rods that retail from $500 to $700.

    TFO meets my criteria: They look good, feel good and cast good. And the price fits most anyone's budget.

    Good luck!

  4. #4
    Normand Guest


    st croixs are nice too

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Wherever I park.


    I'm curious as to why you want to get him another 4wt., especially when you are considering rods only another 12 inches longer.

    I seldom fish less than a 5wt and usually a 6wt on western trout waters as the wind can blow like the devil.

    Just my 2 cents. BTW, I have three St. Croix rods and love em. but, I also believe as a wag observed that 99% of the rods available today are better than 99% of the casters.
    No man can have too many fly rods;
    no woman too many shoes.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by SteveGibson View Post
    I'm sponsored by TFO, but I wouldn't use them if I didn't like them and they didn't perfrom up to my expetations. With that in mind, you will not go wrong with the TFO Finesse. It's a little better and faster than the Pro Series.
    I have two TFO Pro's and like them a lot. I would not say the Finesse is better or faster, though. My impression is that it's much slower than the Pro.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Northern New England


    I agree that if he's got a good working 4wt, add 5 or 6wt to the mix and give him some range... if you walked into our shop I would probably be steering you toward the 6. I really like the Launch 5 and 6wts., nice progressive taper that'll work well in a variety of environments, and provides great feedback while developing skills, and beyond. Sage also packages the Launch with a complete rig, but the line and reel are marginal IMO... not that you need a train stopping reel, but the line is key... I would buy the components separately.

    I really like seeing passed on, have fun and good fishing!

    ... But a lifelong journey.

    I choose fly rods the same way I do women, motorcycles, and cowboy boots...
    go with what ever feels good, and keep on hand as many as I can afford

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Northern California


    My son was recenty faced with the same dilema. He needed a 9ft. 8 wt and doesn't fish alot so didn't want to spend alot of money.

    He settled on a Reddington.

    Depending upon the kind of action your son likes and how much you want to spend there are lots of options. I also like some of the other Cabela rods - like their FT but it may be more than you want to spend.

    I would also look at Beulah rods, Elkhorn rods, and Reddington rods. Check their web sites.

    You can probably get into all of these for less than $200. The reel and line will obviously add to the overall cost. Some have combinations that include reels but I have found the reels to be on the cheesy side and would avoid them.

    I am a believer that you get what you pay for - especially with reels.

    Overall, I think you are one the right track with what you are considering.

  9. #9



    Checkout ebay. I picked up a brand new Sage FLi 480 2 pc for less than a new 490 Sage Launch at retail.

    Nice smooth fast action rod.
    Trout don't speak Latin.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Corona, California, Usa

    Default Rod Opinions

    Hello. I recently built the TFO 8' 9" 4 wt. Finesse blank and really like the rod. It has a moderate action and is great for small to medium size trout, bass and panfish. It looks like most of the rods you are considering are from Asia. I would take a look a Redington rods. I think they are the best rods that are made over seas. I have a CPS 905/4 and the new RS4 904/4 and feel they are both excellent rods. The CPS is very fast and the RS4 is a medium fast action. Redington uses very good componets and their workmanship is first rate. Also, the Sage FLi is a great rod for the money. It has a medium fast action and is a great all around rod. As others have said you might want to consider a 5 wt. It is still light enough to cast very small flies and have fun with small fish. But will handle up to a size 6 fly well, cast well with windy conditions and handle fish over 5 lbs. with no problems.


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