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Thread: LL Bean Emerger Waders - Any feedback?

  1. #1

    Default LL Bean Emerger Waders - Any feedback?

    Folks, it's time for a new pair of waders. I wear waist-highs about 90% of the time because I like the comfort and they are all that is required for the trout streams I fish.

    I have long ago accepted the fact that around here, waders are disposable and that no pair will last more than about 2-4 years because we have blackberries, raspberries, buckthorn, etc, etc, etc and basically after two years my waders are made of 90% shoe goo held together by the occasional piece of Gore-tex.

    Right now, I have a 3 year old pair of Bean's GQS waders and they've been great, but the feet are wearing out and they have been patched dozens of times due to thorn punctures. I got my money out of them, but I'm wondering about the cheaper Emerger waist highs?

    At $89 if they lasted a year, I'd be happy. Anyone have any experience with them lately? How were they and how long did they last?

    I should note that I did search the forum, but the last post I found that mentioned them was 2005, so I'm hoping someone has more recent experience. They seem like a bargain to me, but not if they have a rep for leaking right out of the box.


  2. #2



    Sorry I have no personal feedback but if you get none; I wouldn't worry too much about choosing Bean with their "Satisfaction Guaranteed" policy.

  3. #3


    Thanks, Bam, I've always had good service from Beans. I'm hoping to avoid the hassle of returning them etc in the odd event that these waders are very problem-prone.

    The problem with waders is that you find out they leak by wearing them fishing. Then there's a mad rush to return them if they do, then there's a week of trying to cobble together a beat-up pair to wear while you wait for replacement pair, etc. I agree, that would be unusual for Bean products, but just thought I'd ask.


  4. #4


    I was looking at the Emergers also but Bean's new fishing catalogue for 2008 has a pair of bootfoot hip waders with felt soles for $55 (available Feb. 23). The price is right and I don't go in any deeper than mid thigh anyways. At $55, even if I get one season out of them, it's money well spent.


  5. #5


    That's exactly what I was thinking, BN.

    When I thought about it, I seem to get about 1 year out of every $70 I spend on waders. If I spend $200, I get about 3 years. Last pair, same deal, spent $200 something, they lasted just over two season.

    So the Emergers look decent enough and at $89 if they last just over a year, I'm right on average. The only fly in this ointment is if they tend to leak right out of the box or after 1 or 2 wearings. Mind you, I've got 2 pairs of patched up junk waders laying around that I could use in a pinch, but I'd still like to know.


  6. #6


    "if they tend to leak right out of the box or after 1 or 2 wearings."

    If that happens, as Bamboozle said, the LL Bean guarantee is 100% satisfaction.

    I don't have any experience with breathable type waders as I've been using a pair of pvc hip waders with lug soles for the last 6 years. No leaks, but those lug soles are an accident waiting to happen. I'll be getting the Bean hipwaders primarily because of the felt soles and will put a tube of Aquaseal in the gear bag just in case.


  7. #7


    I have a pair of the stockingfoot Emergers that I bought last year.They have only been worn 6 or 8 times with no problems so far.All my wading is in the surf or the flats here in saltwater.They are very light and comfortable but I expect them to leak sooner or later,they all do no matter how much you spend.The buckle system on the Emergers allows you to fold the tops down and use them as waist high waders,a nice plus.For the $99 I paid I consider them a bargin.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Northern New England


    The great thing about LL beans is the customer service... second to none for great efforts. That said, I know a few who have had less than 'luck' with their waders, and I did in a pair of emerger boot foots well inside one season with several leaks materializing in seams at the jewels and several points south. In all fairness, I bought them on clearance, and they were a wee bit tight with under layers... but they were only worn w/ under layers a handful of times. I didn't return them... use them sometimes as 'boat boots' and loaners for some of the poor newbies drag to the river
    ... But a lifelong journey.

    I choose fly rods the same way I do women, motorcycles, and cowboy boots...
    go with what ever feels good, and keep on hand as many as I can afford

  9. #9


    I don't have that model, but I have the Bean's West Branch stockingfoot with the West Branch boots. They are my first and only pair of breathable waders I own, so I have nothing to compare them against. I can say that they are very comfortable and are well made with solid fabric and construction. I don't think they have the Westbranch waders anymore. The Emergers look very similar. Anyway, I've used them light to moderately the last 2+ years and have no issues with them. I own lots of Bean's goods, from fly rods to shoes and sweaters and I have never been disappointed with their stuff.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Northfield, MA USA


    I had a pair that lasted about 6 years. I sent them back to be patched and they sent me a newer model which seems less rugged. Either way I got my money's worth and they come with a lifetime warranty so you'll get your value from them.

    I also bought a cheaper model of waders from them for backups or visitors. Same lifetime warranty.


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