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Thread: What am I doing Wrong?!?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Ontario, Canada

    Default What am I doing Wrong?!?

    It seems that everyone loves the Clouser Minnow for fishing smallmouth bass...well, everyone, that is, except me.

    I know it's an amazing fly, and I've caught other species using this fly (from yellowtail snapper to brown trout) but rarely do I catch bass - well, at least not bass of any size (greater than 2 lbs.).

    What might I be doing wrong? Is it colour, size, presentation, or a combination of all three?

    Please tell me what colour, size, and presentation you use for targeting smallies in shallow rivers (most of where I fish is less than four feet deep, and never over six feet deep, and you can often sight cast to fish, or at least to very fishy structure).

    I've lived on this river all my life, and I catch a ton of bass...just never on the Clouser. So, that's my challenge this year, start catching sizable bass on a Clouser.

    Thanks for your help.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Aromas, California
    Blog Entries


    Some people just have issues with certain flies.

    For me, Its catching something on a prince nymph, thing never has worked for me.
    "There's a fine line between fishing and standing on the shore like an idiot."-Steven Wright

  3. #3
    nighthawk Guest


    Click on this link:


    Then click on the "info" link and Bob's email. We are fortunate that we still have Bob Clouser with us. It may take Bob a bit to get back to you but he usually answers emails. When in doubt go right to the source.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    West Newton, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.


    My most effective Clouser's are tied with Chartreuse tops and White bottoms. Of course this color combination matches nothing even remotely that swims in the waters I fish them, but for some strange reason the Smallmouths seem to love them. I think it was Lefty Kreh that said "if it ain't Chartreuse, it ain't no use".

    I fish them in sizes #6, #8 and even #10. Pretty much the standard Clouser pattern: buck tail, hint of crystal flash and dumbbell eyes.

    Hope this helped.


  5. #5


    Flyandtie1 has a good point. Some flies work great for some people, and not at all for others.

    Lots of folks consider the prince nymph to be one of the best nymphs around, their "go to" fly - and I also simply can not catch a fish on one. Ditto for the gold ribbed hairs ear. Give me a pheasant tail or simple midge larva or pupa and I'm good to go.

    I tried clousers some time back and did zip. But there are a few other streamers that really work for me - thunder creek style, double bunnies, and a pine squirrel streamer that trout just can't resist.

    The point is, you probably are doing nothing at all wrong. And doing things differently, no matter who suggests them, may not help.

    That being said - best of luck in the challenge you've set for yourself this year.
    The fish are always right.

  6. #6


    I tie them in size 4 on Mustad 3366. I see some people tying them smaller . . . .

    My favorite is Fire Tiger. Chartreuse over Orange. Another color combination that does not exist in these streams but it works. My second favorite is chartreuse over white, followed by olive over white.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    "I've lived on this river all my life, and I catch a ton of bass...just never on the Clouser."

    First, I apologize for hi-jacking this thread. I am interested in the replies you receive, but, I am more interested in what flies are you using now that are so successful for you? They could be flies I need to try here in my waters. I am always interested in what others are using.

    Fly fishing and fly tying are two things that I do, and when I am doing them, they are the only 2 things I think about. They clear my mind.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Ontario, Canada


    Hi Warren,

    Probably my most successful fly is something called a Sparkle Grub. It is an exceptionally simple fly to tie. I tie it almost exactly the way you would a wooly bugger:

    1. Use a #6 streamer hook.
    2. I add nickel dumbell eyes (1/60 or 1/80 oz.) and lead wraps.
    3. Tie in a brown marabou tail with some rootbeer krystal flash.
    4. Instead of chenille, tie in rootbeer cactus chenille (medium or large depending on the profile you like - I like medium).
    5. Wind that forward, make a figure 8 with it around the eyes, one wrap between the eyes and the hook eye, then whip finish.
    6. No hackle needed.

    This may also be tied in white, black, olive, etc...

    I also use:

    1. Murray's Hellgrammite
    2. Steve May's "Full Motion Crayfish" (sometimes I tie it smaller using squirrel)
    3. Steve May's "Full Motion Hex"
    4. Michigan Wigglers
    5. Gurgle Pop (on top)
    6. Zonkers (white, olive)

    That's almost a complete list - I've not had a day yet where these 7 flies (the sparkle grub included) didn't produce bass.

    I'd check out the flies by Steve May, they're really nice, and full instructions with colour photos and notes can be found online.

    By the way, would you mind sharing what's in your box?

    Last edited by Andrew Mann; 01-26-2008 at 11:55 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Coeur d'Alene, ID


    That Sparkle Grub sounds like a killer. Tie some up in size 10's and come on down!
    It's very much like the flys we use here tied with olive, purple, brown, black, etc. materials. With and without hackles.

  10. #10



    First, if you are catching fish with what you are using now, only you can decide if it's worth the trouble and time to get proficient with a new fly.

    The real key to success with any particular fly is confidence. The only way to get confidence in a fly is to experience success with it.

    How most folks approach a new fly is to tie some up and stick them in their box. Then, next time they go fishing and what they normally use isn't working, they'll tie on one of these 'new' flies and give them a try. Mostly, it doesn't work. Folks go back to their confidence baits, and give the 'new fly' a trail every now and again until they convince themselves that the fly just doesn't work 'for them'.

    In this instance, we all know that the Closer minnow is one of, if not 'the', premier smallmouth flies in existance today. It works, probably better than any fly you are using now, but it's obvious that you have no confidence in the fly.

    All you need to do is learn 'how' to fish confidently with the fly.

    The best way to get this started is to find someone you know who is proficient with clousers, and go fishing with them and see them catch fish and copy what they do until it works for you. Standing next to someone who is catching fish with a fly is almost as good as doing it yourself, confidence wise.

    The other way is what I can the 'brute force' method. Go fishing, taking ONLY clouser minnows with you. Don't fish with anything else until you become successful with them. This is very hard to do, can take many trips and sometimes a couple of seasons, but it will work. If you can find the willpower to do it, it will make you a better fisherman.

    Up to you, of course.


    (I don't fish a prince nymph either-that white biot thingy on top looks fake to me, and I can't get past that...BS)
    It Just Doesn't Matter....

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