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Thread: Steelhead 101

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Northern Virginia

    Default Steelhead 101

    Last year I had the privilege to go steelheading in British Columbia while on a business trip. While I caught some nice trout, I managed to hook into only one steelhead, and although he was on that spey rod for under a minute before throwing the hook, it was the biggest rush and thrill that I've ever had with a flyrod in my hand... almost a year later I can close my eyes and feel that rod come alive like it was yesterday.

    That being said, I am anxious to learn more and get further into this sport. I've cut my teeth flyfishing for native brook trout in the little spring creeks of the Blue Ridge mountians in VA, so while I'm not new to flyfishing, my "big water" experience is somewhat limited.

    So, why did I title this post "Steelhead 101"? That's the course I am wanting to take. I'm asking for help from the learned members of this community in building this thread into a steelhead primer. I am looking for general knowledge, advice, etc. I'm hoping to work in some trips to the Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York areas for Great Lakes steelies and am seeking guidance on where, when, and recommended guides and/or local shops.


    Do not tell fish stories where the people know you; but particularly, don't tell them where they know the fish. ~ Mark Twain

  2. #2


    Wait till you get a 80-100pb Tarpon on the other end of your fly rod . . . . . Now that's a rush!


  3. #3


    1st off the grat lake steelies are not in quite the same league ast the salt steelies howerver, they are fun to catch. big water fishing for steelies in the east, is limited to only a few rivers the others are more like the streams you fish for trout. all the PA, OH and NY stream that flow into erie, are like the later, except for the grand, OH; and cataragus(sp) NY and maybe lower conneaut, OH. some of the NY stream that flow into ontario are a bit bigger but not on the scale of out west, except for the niagra but that is a totally different animal. a lot of the midwest great lake streams are bigger but i have no experience with them and cannot offer any comment. for the typical smaller streams a 10', 7wt would be my choice for the best overall, general use rod. a reel with a good drag that will hold atleast 100yds of backing. i use a 9 1/2' 6 wt most of the time for erie streams and i've used an 8wt in NY and felt a bit over gunned, except when hooking into a salmon. the main flies are sucker spawn, egg patterns, shiner minnow patterns, woolybuggers, and a few specialy patterns like crystal meth, scrambled eggs,or wiggle stone. most of your casting is short range with sometimes light flies sometimes a lot of weight, i like the triangle taper from wulff , for erie fishing. in the bigger waters a sinking line may be better, if you know how to fish it. a lot of people like indicators, bobbers, but i usually do without. a good presentation will get you a bite most days. because the water in eries is so sparse and small, the condition are often skinny and clear so i like to use fluorocarbon tippets of about 5x, with a litle stain 3x and 2x is better for landing the fish quickly.

    this is where i'll end and let other take it up.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Sheffield Village, OH


    I can only speak for Ohio tribs, but I can tell you spey casting isn't terribly common. Most steelhead are taken in the spring on nymphs, buggers & eggs. Streamers will work under the proper conditions, but most of us non-steelhead god bums take fish by bouncing our offerings on or near the bottom underneath an indicator. I would be leary to travel all the way from Virginia to fish any Ohio streams - one big rain will make the rivers unfishable for days. PM me if you want any more particulars.

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