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Thread: Gunpowder River - Really, Really Bad News

  1. #11

    Default Re: Gunpowder River - Really, Really Bad News

    Thanks for the link to that discussion. Seems there is still some debate among the paddlers.

    Here is a link to an article in the Baltimore Sun:


  2. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Woodland, CA USA

    Default Re: Gunpowder River - Really, Really Bad News


    The website of the club...could any of y'all who are local check out their calendar and see if you can make it to their next meeting? might be nice to show up with a picket group to help those members who had nothing to do with the vigilantes get rid of the bad 'uns.

    ‎"Trust, but verify" - Russian Proverb, as used by Ronald Reagan

  3. #13
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Nassau Bay, Texas, USA

    Default Re: Gunpowder River - Really, Really Bad News

    Well the link I had posted above has been deleted, which is unfortunate. I think if all responsible groups would work together we could get a lot of good done. I guess I have trouble understanding the "us versus them". I like to do both activities, can't understand why we can't appreciate the resources and get along. Maybe that is human nature, while surfing it is kayak surfers vs. board surfers, then once you get beyond that, long board vs short boards, then it is local vs inland folks, sheesh, people are stupid sometimes. The same thing goes for skiing vs snow boarding, bait fisher and fly fishers. It is just plain doesn't compute in my simple mind.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    West Tennessee

    Default Re: Gunpowder River - Really, Really Bad News

    Funny. Back a few years ago a State Park in Tn was 'irate' about us riding our "land-raping" dirt bikes in the Park(really the equestrians wanted to take over that part of the park and they did everything they could to get us out). They said water build up from ATVs wallowing in the mud killed trees. There were about 3 trees dead there. So what did they do to keep us off the trails. Yup..............they felled about 100 trees across trail access points.

    Funny the then-clean camping area now smells and wreaks of horse **** and urine. The trails are now more washed out by erosion.
    There is a sign coming into the Park that warns of $2,000+ fines for an ATV getting off designated 'trails" but it sure doesn't mention fines for HORSES or humans getting off the trails.

    Be careful what you read and hear from 'officials'. Many times there is another agenda behind these kinds of things.

    I don't trust Park officials any further than I can throw them any more.
    Good fishing technique trumps all.....wish I had it.

  5. #15

    Default Re: Gunpowder River - Really, Really Bad News


    This is clearly a case of some malcontent yak'ers that took matters into their own hands in a designated wildland area inside a state park. The posts have been documented and thus far the state of MD has done little, if anything, to the offending parties. Laws are useless without enforcement! The only agenda here was to commit a premeditated crime.


  6. #16

    Default Re: Gunpowder River - Really, Really Bad News

    the dnr completed its investigation and gave the people involved warnings. they will also give a presentation to the club on the rules in state parks

    not really stern enough
    Princess Anne, Md

  7. #17


    This was suggested on the Metolius river after several kayakers died. F&G responded by cutting more trees down into the river for fish habitat.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 1999
    Poulsbo, Washington State, U.S.A.


    Thank you all for this string. I am proud of you and your efforts. Hope this site offers you some degree of help.

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