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Thread: What Do You Think?

  1. #11

    Default Re: What Do You Think?

    I do alot more casting when I fly fish, which might be a result of my poor casting skills. But even if I am not false casting to dry my fly, I will need one or two at least to shoot retrieved line, when stripping streamers, or upstream nymphing. Also I don't do much wading when tossing lures or bait, and wading a fast moving stream, and holding in the current is definitely more fatiguing. I get quite tired when fly fishing, but IMO it is a good tired. So the idea that if one is getting tired one should quit, does not make sense to me. Alot of things I enjoy doing are tiring, and tax my body. This is a good thing.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Modoc Country.... Extreme N.E. California high desert
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    Default Re: What Do You Think?

    Fishing is not fatiguing. It is exhilirating, and it is fun, and I probably don't understand the question
    ............................Modoc (the flyfishing machinist ) Dan
    "Fishin' will get you through a day of no Whisky better than Whisky will get you through a day of no Fishin' "

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    New York

    Default Re: What Do You Think?

    Neither one would be very fatiguing if you're doing it right. We're talking about pretty light tackle here in both cases. People used to fish much heavier stuff. This time of year I spend hours on end casting an 11-foot fiberglass surf outfit whose weight would be measured in pounds, not ounces. I don't find it tiring at all. On the other hand, wading upstream or walking through a lot of soft sand is what usually wears me out by the end of the day.

  4. #14

    Default Re: What Do You Think?

    On a side note, if you get lost fly fishing or spin fishing it can be very tiring... Today I fished for 7 hours wading, tried to hike out and got turned around and ended up walking about 10 miles in 27*F weather to get back to the car.

  5. #15

    Default Re: What Do You Think?

    Since you use many more muscle groups and burn more calories staying warm while wading, fly fishing could be considered more fatiguing. I'm sure, however that the low impact aeobic type of workout you get while fly fishing is much more of a cadiovascular benefit. And I bet I can get some cardiologists to agree. I might have to pay the bar tab, but they will eventually agree.

  6. #16
    Join Date
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    Default Re: What Do You Think?

    After casting for 10 or 11 hours, the last 2-3 with an 11-foot full flex rod, the burn in my shoulders suggested that I had moved right into the realm of exercise. And that was casting hands alternating between left and right hands, after James "Superman" Castwell had taught me how.


  7. #17
    nighthawk Guest

    Default Re: What Do You Think?

    Folks, it's like making whoopee. You should feel happily fatigued. If it feels like work you are doing it wrong and need help.

    Fly fishing, hands down.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Idabel, Oklahoma, USA (580)-245-1576

    Default Re: What Do You Think?

    My vote for most fatiguing (I'm including mental fatigue (getting bored) as well as physical exertion) style of fishing would be:

    1st) Streamer fishing (more cast and you need to strip all they way in to cover the water)
    2nd) Lure Spin Fishing (less cast than streamer fishing but you have to reel the lure all the way in before you recast ...forearm burning after two hours of fishing in strong current)
    3rd) Dry Fly fishing ( more false cast but usually with a lighter rod and one weightless fly the downside is that I get bored unless there is a major hatch/rise going on)
    4th) Nymph fishing..my default fishing setting..(it's very stimulating for me mentally which makes up for fishing a slightly heavier rig..2 or 3 flies, indicator and split shots.)

    So in my opinion I could be content and fish a nymph rig all day with much less fatigue that if I were forced to fish a different way all day..most of those styles I would have given up on and switched to nymphing after about 2 hours..

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