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Thread: Magazine subscriptions

  1. #21

    Default Re: Magazine subscriptions

    There's no question that electronic mags would be "greener."

    One theory about rising sea levels is that they are only partially a result of global warming. The primary cause is the weight pressing down on the North American continent by stacks of old issues of National Geographic.

  2. #22
    Deezel Guest

    Default Re: Magazine subscriptions

    I MUCH prefer the hard copy magazine.


  3. #23
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Deer Park, WA

    Default Re: Magazine subscriptions

    I Love my paper..................But! I think the die is cast. Many magazines are offering back issues on CD and Newspapers are offering On-Line subscriptions where you can view the current issue and search back issues. What I would like is to keep getting the paper copy and periodically (no pun intended) receive an electronic copy of recent issues on CD for reference. That way you could browse your mag in the way most prefer but then chuck it or pass it on to a friend and still have the info on the computer to search later.

    As computers keep getting faster with more storage and better screens I think the paper version is doomed. And, I don't think the publishers are too worried about the copying issue. True, ad sales and rates are determined by paid subscription numbers but they all tout to their advertisers about how many more eyes see the magazine than actually subscribe. I have seen claims as high as five times for some publications.

    I would think advertisers would love electronic copies where they could place direct links to their website or catalog. It all is just another transition to the wonderful world of the web.

  4. #24
    Normand Guest

    Default Re: Magazine subscriptions

    trout unlimiteds' magazine "trout" is offered 3 different ways, electronically, pdf and paper. dont know if you can get a paper mag and one of the other options.

  5. Default Re: Magazine subscriptions

    I still like print (magazines and books). Here's one reason that I don't believe has been mentioned. Even though print publications are "old fashioned" their resolution is far higher than that of computer screens. The resolution of computer screens is 72 dots per inch. Magazines are printed at 1200 dots per inch or higher. So good photos in a well printed magazine are much better quality than what's possible on a computer screen.

    Reading printed text is also much easier on the eyes than reading on screen. People will read SHORT docuuments online. But people are very reluctant to read anything very long on screen.

  6. #26

    Default Re: Magazine subscriptions

    As least one of the magazines I get, (not fishing related); offers their back copies on CD. While the CD's weren't cheap; I LOVE having less magazines lying around that I'm inclined to save.

    I'd gladly pay 2-3X the price for the few fishing mags I get to have them on CD instead. I like having the real magazine but the trade off is the hassle of storage and accessing info.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Novi, Michigan, USA

    Default Re: Magazine subscriptions

    I'd take the magazine online. Can print out the pages I want to save, if necessary and can use a color printer to do it.

    I get several lengthy newsletters with photos, etc. this way. Thought I'd hate it, but now I really like it.


  8. #28
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Fernandina Beach, FL, USA

    Default Re: Magazine subscriptions

    One of the biggest complaints about reading electronic text is the brightness of the screen and the inability to carry the copy around easily and read it outside. I was listening to "On the Media" on NPR today and they were discussing e-paper, a new technology that pretty much elimnates each of those problems. Sounds like we may be closer to the end of paper than we thought. Here's a link to more information: http://www.onthemedia.org/episodes/2...segments/89327 .

    I still prefer paper!


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