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Thread: LF- A laugh to help heal your shoulder

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    southwest Virginia

    Default LF- A laugh to help heal your shoulder

    Five days ago told my wife I was going to make up the bed. She asked if I wanted any help. Of course, I replied, "Heck no - this isn't any big deal!"

    Was bending over the king sized bed to tuck the quilt under the middle of the pillows when I felt a "pop" in my lower back. Says I loudly and with emphasis, "@#$%^&*()!!! "

    Wife says, "And - what is that all about!"

    Says I, in extreme pain and trying to stand up straight, "Nothing dear - think I just threw my back out a little."

    Still wearing back brace some each day, heat and Tylenol and similar stuff taken when needed. Opening day of rifle deer season tomorrow and I'm going to be watching from inside in the easy chair. No "do overs" on this one.

    So, who says housework isn't dangerous to your health. That's my story and me and my aching back are sticking to it!

  2. #2

    Default Re: LF- A laugh to help heal your shoulder

    I just got healed from what you have! ICE, HEAT, ICE, HEAT!!!!
    Hope you feel better soon!
    Enjoying the joys of others and suffering with them- these are the best guides for man. A.E.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Lancaster, NY, USA

    Default Re: LF- A laugh to help heal your shoulder

    The same thing happened to me, last year. I bent over to put on my sneakers and POP! Out went disc number one. Two days later, when I could almost stand up straight, POP...out goes the second disc. Only people who have had back problems can relate to that pain. Mine required 2 epidrual shots and a lot of icing (plus lots of painkillers-lol). The heat didn't work for me. It felt good while it was on but after that, it felt worse.

    Take care Grn Mt Man!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Lawrence, KS, USA

    Default Re: LF- A laugh to help heal your shoulder

    Grn Mt Man,

    I hope you went to a trusted doctor or a trusted chiropractor and had your spine X-rayed. A similar incident happened to me about two years ago; X-rays revealed that one of my lumbar vertebra had rotated out of place -- out of place to the tune of about 1/4-inch? My pinched spinal cord was extremely unhappy about that!

    The chiropractor who X-rayed me then laid me on his table, twisted my torso and you could hear a very loud POP as the vertebra in question snapped back into its proper orientation. Took just a few minutes and cost less than $100, and I haven't had a recurrence since. (Knock on wood....)

    I'm something of a hardhead: I endured three pain-filled days before surrendering to the idea that medical help might be needed to end the pain.

    Don't be a dumb as I was.

    "Better small than not at all."

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Penticton BC
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    Default Re: LF- A laugh to help heal your shoulder

    This is just a guess on my part...... but does ....."@#$%^&*()!!! " translate to Oh! gosh darnit?

    About 25 years ago. I had had a bad back for 2 years. I Went to doctors who sent me to specialists who said it was probably a pinched nerve. Chiropracters did no good. My wife bought one of those rowing machines home one day for her to exercise with. I was walking with difficulty using crutches for the most part. I asked my doctor if it would be ok to try the rowing machine. He said put it on the very lightest setting and carefully give it a try. I set it up to the very lightest It would go to and gingerly sat down on it. I grabbed both oars and pulled lightly. there was a very loud click in my back and it felt like I had been thumped in the small of my back. My legs went like pins and needles. I was scared as heck. I gently rolled over on my side and by now couldn't feel my legs. I lay there for about an eternity till I felt feeling come back into my legs. I carefully go up to my feet, totally without pain for the first time in years. The pain had gone away and has never returned.

    Joe the loud pop you described sounds like what I heard and felt at the time.
    For God's sake, Don't Quote me! I'm Probably making this crap up!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Lawrence, KS, USA

    Default Re: LF- A laugh to help heal your shoulder

    Gnu Bee,

    This sounds like the perfect excuse to go buy yourself an inexpensive jon boat and start fishing from it. (Oar propulsion only.)

    I can hear it now:

    "No honey, I really DO want to rake up those front yard leaves. But I need to get out in the boat today and row it around awhile because my back has been starting to hurt again." (sniff, sniff, whine, whine)


  7. Default Re: LF- A laugh to help heal your shoulder

    hi guys and gals my first post here. i thought i would chim in on this one. my back went out all the time from runing a power boat all summer in alaska, I was at the bone crusher 2 or 3 times a summer.i orderd a inversion table and it works great. there were four peaple came over and tried it one time and they orderd one for them selvs.

  8. #8

    Default Re: LF- A laugh to help heal your shoulder

    Bent fin,
    Welcome to the Bulletin Board!
    Enjoying the joys of others and suffering with them- these are the best guides for man. A.E.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Penticton BC
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    Default Re: LF- A laugh to help heal your shoulder

    Bent fin . Welcome to the board.

    Bent fin and Alaska suggests Killer whale to me.... am I close???
    For God's sake, Don't Quote me! I'm Probably making this crap up!

  10. Default Re: LF- A laugh to help heal your shoulder

    Quote Originally Posted by Gnu Bee Flyer
    Bent fin . Welcome to the board.

    Bent fin and Alaska suggests Killer whale to me.... am I close???
    Yep. thanks for the welcome i didnt mean too steel this thred.

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