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Thread: Road Kill!

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Anderson, South Carolina (Northwest corner of SC) USA

    Default Re: Road Kill!

    Sorry, between the legal aspects, health aspects, pest aspects and who knows what else, I pass up road kill completely. I will gladly pay $2 for a nicely cleaned squirrel tail rather than deal with half cured hides. Almost all the stuff that I got from my old hunting buddies turned rancid and smelly enough to make a billy goat gag. Of the three or four infestations that have occurred over the years in my fly tying material, all of them could be traced to hunters' gifts or road kill. About the only wild thing I accept now from friends are mallard and wood duck breast feathers. I might also stop and pick up one of Tom Whiting's capes if I accidentally ran over it. Just my opinion, I'm sure others will disagree. 8T

  2. #22

    Default Re: Road Kill!

    Plus the critters that get run over tend to be plentiful and therefor cheep to buy. Why bother? I do believe however that you should always try and beg materials off your hunting buddies. I love duck hunters.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Alberton, MT, USA

    Default Re: Road Kill!

    Safety tip Number 1, Never harvest roadkill from the passing lane.

  4. #24

    Default Re: Road Kill!

    Just a theoretical question: if you find a roadkilled animal, say a bird, and have no time to skin and clean it that day, would it be ok to freeze the body and then thaw and deal with it weeks later? and how would you go about the process of skinning and cleaning a frozen bird?

  5. #25

    Default Re: Road Kill!

    Quote Originally Posted by RCream
    Just a theoretical question: if you find a roadkilled animal, say a bird, and have no time to skin and clean it that day, would it be ok to freeze the body and then thaw and deal with it weeks later? and how would you go about the process of skinning and cleaning a frozen bird?
    Thaw it....

  6. #26

    Default Re: Road Kill!

    So I shouldn't have any problems skinning the bird once thawed out, theoretically I mean??


  7. #27

    Default Re: Road Kill!


  8. #28
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Upstate, New York

    Default Re: Road Kill!

    The bird probably won't have to be thawed completely either. Just keep a bucket of warm water handy to stick your fingers in while skinning. This will keep them warm after working with a half frozen bird.

    The quicker the skin is of the bird after thawing the better, thats why I suggest this.

    Wash the skin/feathers, pat dry, tack on cardboard, and put in a warm dry place. You should be good to go.

    Theroetically, of cource.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Oregon Coast(Outside of Seaside/Astoria)

    Default Re: Road Kill!

    On smaller game and birds, once you''re down to just the skin, and/or, feathers, tossing it into a microwave over for about 15 seconds will destroy ANYTHING even remotely left that could infect and destroy your prize down the road.

    I don't suggest, however, "Using the one in the house, used for everyday human consumption items". Why, I don't have a clue, but it tends to upset some of the closer associates you may hang out with in the house.

    I picked up mine and a few for members of our fly club, by hitting garage sales. The MOST I ever paid for one, was $13.00.

    I don't pick up road kill, in Oregon where I live, (see my posts, here, of earlier to see why I don't!), but I do use the microwave method for all the various animal and bird parts I receive from friends that hunt.

    Plus, you have the nice, added advantage of maybe fixing yourself a hot dog, etc. while you "de-bug" your materials!
    Saint Paul-"The Highly Confused"
    You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.
    -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

  10. #30

    Default Re: Road Kill!

    Quote Originally Posted by flybinder
    On smaller game and birds, once you''re down to just the skin, and/or, feathers, tossing it into a microwave over for about 15 seconds will destroy ANYTHING even remotely left that could infect and destroy your prize down the road.

    I hate disagreeing with a fellow webfoot...but that isn't true anymore than... freezing gets everything...it depends on how much moisture the critters have...just ask Ronn Lucas ..another webfoot...I should say OREGONION now that the Ducks may be national champions

    If I were really paroniod about protecting my road kill I would quarantine it in the freezer..then thaw it ...then hit it with the microwave ...then back to the freezer....then harvest it ...and store it with a piece of "No Pest Strip"...Is it worth it?

    Actually I'm not that paranoid

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