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Thread: Rotorua and Tirau

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Auckland, New Zealand

    Default Rotorua and Tirau


    My parents are in visiting from Canada to see their new Grand-daughter. So, I took a week of leave and we all packed up and went down to Rotorua for the week. Fished every day along the Waiteti Stream. Things, however, have been slow and the fish haven't quite arrived yet. One day there was a decent number schooling at the mouth. I got one of 52 cm, 1.8 kg (about 21", 4lbs), drifting a size 12 beaded pheasant tail nymph through the pool by the bench. This one came home with me and we had smoked trout for dinner. Very tasty! Anyway, I also hooked into another on a sz 10 2x shank bluenose (tail red fibres, body olive, rib copper, wing grey squirrel tail, hackle, one blue and one olive wrapped as a collar) but it busted me off shortly after hook up. There were no signs of fish for the rest of the week until yesterday, when I saw a fellow land one of about 2.5 lbs at the same spot.

    The Ngongataha was fishing well below the railway bridge, with a fellow I know landing at least 3 fish in the 3-4 lbs range on flashbacks and glow bugs. Also, talked with another fellow who landed a 10lbs rainbow at the channel and was into a bigger one that busted him off!

    Anyway, we took a couple trips up to Tirau and fished the Waihou and the Waimakariri. I ended up bringing 12 to hand, and hooked up on 3 or 4 more (with a lot of missed strikes too) using small wee wets and spiders. Dad landed 8, and Vanessa, who only fished for abotu 20 minutes, managed 2 in that time. These are spring fed rivers that run crystal clear, and they are full of small fish in the 6-10 inch range. But, they are good scrappers and a lot of fun on the 3 weight. I've found that these two rivers fish really well with size 14 wets and spiders. I always seem to get one on Pritt's Water Cricket (sz 14 yellow body, black rib, starling hackle) and sure enough, I tried the "Water Cricket Flymph" I put together (added a black tail and orange/yellow thorax) and got two on that right away!

    Overall, it was a great weak. Weather was generally sunny, and though the fish were slow at the Waiteti, it is expected that any day now the fish will be comming in thick and fast. Nymphs and midges should continue to work well, but squirrel tail streamers and matuka's on a sinking line should not be overlooked.

    - Jeff
    Am fear a chailleas a chanain caillidh e a shaoghal. -

    He who loses his language loses his world.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Auckland New Zealand

    Default Re: Rotorua and Tirau

    That is good news Jeff, Gringo is comming over from Aus in a couple of weeks and after 4 days fishing the Taupo area I will be dropping him at Rotorua for the last bit of his fishing trip so I will tell him to try the lower Ngongataha and the Waititi rivers.
    Thanks for the report.

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