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Thread: Inconsiderate neighbors

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    The Island Nation of Ohio

    Default Inconsiderate neighbors

    Just when I thought the nut case across the street could not get any nuttier, he decides to change the front door of his house, and begins removing the old door with a Sawzall....AT 5:45 A.M. What kind of a whack job would wake up the entire neighborhood at that hour by starting a construction project? My normally sweet bride (opposites attract) kicked me and asked; "What the hell is going on over there?" to which I replied; "He's probably using the Sawzall to chop up body parts of the screaming Mimi he lives with...just go back to sleep."

    She wasn't having any of that noise, so she handed the phone to me and said to call the cops, since there's a noise ordinance in our city. Of course, it took twenty minutes for the fuzz to show up, and the next thing you saw was a green plastic tarp covering the opening and the fuzz pulling away. No shots were fired, but there was an exchange of words which I couldn't understand from 300 feet away. Probably some threat towards whoever would dare to call the cops on him for such a minor infraction.

    Ahhhhh....peace and quite returns...until the dog starts whining to go out to do her business. Kicked again;"Go let your dog out before she makes a mess on my floor." To which I respond with the two words that have made our marriage successful for 35 years; "Yes, dear."

    Joseph the Tired

    P.S. I'm visiting my doctor today to try and determine why I have so many black & blue marks on my legs. Hopefully he'll have some answers for me. My wife says they're nothing to be concerned about. Hmmmmm.....
    Joe Valencic
    Life Member FFF
    Rod Builder in Chains

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Nashville, TN. USA
    Blog Entries

    Default Re: Inconsiderate neighbors

    To Joseph the Tired, Rod Builder in Chains, All 'Round Great Guy, etc, etc...

    I wish you peace and ease for the rest of the weekend. I wish that you encounter fish that rise only to your fly and trees whose nasty, little, fly-grabbing limbs are blown away from your flies by timely winds. I wish that your landing net is too small but the fish adequately patient. I wish that your dries float and your wets sink. I wish that your next lottery ticket have all the right numbers in all the right places. [I'm praying for that one for you, buddy ]

    I wish that the nut case across the street suffers a catastrophic plumbing failure that inspires visions of the Old Testament Fear in all who see/hear it. I wish that the electric motors of all of his power tools seize. I wish that he develops good taste in music. I wish that his next serving of ice cream comes from cows who partook heavily of wild onions.

    I hope that you remember that you have many friends on this site who also wish you well.

    Good Luck,

  3. #3

    Default Re: Inconsiderate neighbors

    Joseph the Tired

    I think all neighborhoods (and mine is no exception) have at least one nimrod that is off the hook. Two suggestions to cure the black and blue nasties: One option is to sleep with some goalie pads on. Not very comfortable but will come in handy when absorbing a round house kick to the shins. The other is to hit the water early in the morning on the weekends. The latter being the most logical choice. Good luck my friend and may the spirit of patience smile down on you.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Inconsiderate neighbors

    OMG! I really needed to fix my damn door! Sheesh mind you own business, Ya know I was just doing what the wife wanted!!

  5. #5

    Default Re: Inconsiderate neighbors

    Quote Originally Posted by RDL
    OMG! I really needed to fix my damn door! Sheesh mind you own business, Ya know I was just doing what the wife wanted!!
    Is RDL the ACTUAL neighbor your complaining about??? RDL, I want to apologize on behalf of all of us here Members! Don't let the actions of one (Joseph the Tired) to make you give up and leave the BB. I will continue to 'WORK' with Joseph until he gets straightened out.
    RDL, I am also VERY sorry you have such a BIG Honey Do List!
    Enjoying the joys of others and suffering with them- these are the best guides for man. A.E.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    The Island Nation of Ohio

    Default Re: Inconsiderate neighbors

    Quote Originally Posted by DShock
    Quote Originally Posted by RDL
    OMG! I really needed to fix my damn door! Sheesh mind you own business, Ya know I was just doing what the wife wanted!!
    Is RDL the ACTUAL neighbor your complaining about???
    Yep, this is the guy. "Hey, where's your whack job next door neighbor who i saw carrying the shop vac to your house at 0615?" There were actually two perps in this incident. Dumb & Dumber. Ironically, both of their first names are the same. These must be the original evil twins.
    Joe Valencic
    Life Member FFF
    Rod Builder in Chains

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Coeur d'Alene, ID

    Default Re: Inconsiderate neighbors

    Don't mind these two! They are good friends of mine (did I really say that!?) and though somewhat twisted they mean well!
    I plan to vist joe and fire up a chainsaw around 0430 in the am. then beat feet back to Tennessee, laughing all the way!!
    Doug and Joe a very fine, hard working members of thier respective communities. At least that is what their case workers tell me

  8. #8
    nighthawk Guest

    Default Re: Inconsiderate neighbors

    Quote Originally Posted by Jack Hise
    Don't mind these two! They are good friends of mine (did I really say that!?) and though somewhat twisted they mean well!
    I plan to vist joe and fire up a chainsaw around 0430 in the am. then beat feet back to Tennessee, laughing all the way!!
    Doug and Joe a very fine, hard working members of thier respective communities. At least that is what their case workers tell me

    I can loan you my 105mm howitzer and the blanks for it if you want to make a real bang. Probably will make Joe and the wife wet the bed!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Pittsville Maryland

    Default Re: Inconsiderate neighbors

    Joe might I suggest the grand ole hobby of drinking !!!!!!! Drink enough and nothing will wake you up til at least 11 am.
    I have a neighbor who seem to enjoy his drag cars at 8 am Saturday morning . He lives 3 doors down and the vibrate my house. Lucky for me I wake up very early most days ...not so lucky for the other neighbor who works nights.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Inconsiderate neighbors

    Quote Originally Posted by Jack Hise
    Don't mind these two! They are good friends of mine (did I really say that!?) and though somewhat twisted they mean well!
    I plan to vist joe and fire up a chainsaw around 0430 in the am. then beat feet back to Tennessee, laughing all the way!!
    Doug and Joe a very fine, hard working members of thier respective communities. At least that is what their case workers tell me
    HOW???? Did you get my Case Worker's NUMBER??? Now I know you worked (Out To Lunch) for the CIA.
    Your sneaky!
    Enjoying the joys of others and suffering with them- these are the best guides for man. A.E.

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