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Thread: Miracles of Miracles!

  1. #1

    Default Miracles of Miracles!

    I have been minding my manners and being a good father. It finally paid off last Saturday. My precious Son called me out of the blue and said, "Dad were going fishing!" After I got divorced 2.5 yrs ago, my fishing went into hibernation. I've also had a pile of medical problems. Luckily I have had you persons to talk to (and terrorize) Sorry about that Jack! (Hi!) Anyway Joe told me he would drive and I would be the fishing Guide. I felt pretty inadequate!! I tried to relax and go with the flow, so we drove up the Clackamas River, since it was the closest river. Believe me, I had little hope of catching anything, I just wanted to spend time with Joe. Almost all of my Son's fly fishing has been in a float tube on a lake, not on a river. He had never been where we were going. We came to a place that was a parking spot, which was the head of a 1 mile trail to the river. Something was going to happen to me walking down this trail, because I hadn't been there in 36 years! 1971, Senior in HS, camping with my brother and friend. I made the right decision because the forest was very beautiful and when we had hiked the mile to the river, I was captivated by the surroundings. The trees were 36 years older, but the river still looked the same. I turned to my right and there is a 200 foot dirt cliff and my memory drifted back to when my brother Rob climbed that cliff, got stuck, hiked to the Ranger Station's phone booth, called our Mother and told her what he had done. BIG problem was that Rob was detached from our camp in the pitch black of the night. I think my Mother told him, "That serves you right for doing something so stupid!!" So Rob started down the mile long trail, in the dark, and we heard him yelling at us for some sort of reference point. Rob went through absolute HELL! coming down that trail in the blackness. That is the story I remembered from 71 as I gazed at that dirt cliff. Joe and I noticed that after 36 years, the soil had eroded so much that the cliff was almost vertical and not climbable any more.
    I'm not going to run myself down as a Fishing Guide (I'm tempted) but I give myself credit for Guiding my Son to a beautiful place and we had a nice time fishing (No Fish).
    I learned that catching was irrelevant, since spending time with Joe meant the world to me. Also I learned that casting my fly rod was not something I had forgotten how to do.
    Next Subject! 6 days ago I took my computer in to have some work done on it and today I went and retrieved my computer (NOT fixed) The guy let me down and I let myself down. I was lured by the cheaper price but I blew it! He gave me excuse after excuse of WHY he hadn't got the work done. Today was do or die with my gut feeling that he wasn't trustworthy. When I walked through the front door of the repairman, I asked what the status of my computer was and he said negative and gave me another excuse. It was a LESSON for me to stick with my old reliable comp repair person from here on out.
    Enjoying the joys of others and suffering with them- these are the best guides for man. A.E.

  2. #2
    nighthawk Guest

    Default Re: Miracles of Miracles!

    'Tis not the catching that counts. 'Tis the experience of the journey, good company and being there that is the most enjoyable of things. I am glad you got back out on the water with Joe.

    Sorry about your p.c. Let me know if I can help you out there.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 1999
    Sedro Woolley, Washington, USA

    Default Re: Miracles of Miracles!

    You went fishing and didn't catch any fish? Why does that story seem so familiar to me?

    Glad you had a good time with your son.

    I had both boys over this weekend running a backhoe for me while we put in a new water storage tank. It was good to see the sibling rivalry is still strong in those two as they competed to see who could run the backhoe the best. My job was to take my new grandson and supervise. Between me and Ryder (grandson) we had the boys under control and using the rivalry got twice the work from those two.
    "The reason you have a good vision is you're standing on the shoulders of giants." ~ Andy Batcho

  4. #4

    Default Re: Miracles of Miracles!

    That sounds exactly like my twin brothers!
    Enjoying the joys of others and suffering with them- these are the best guides for man. A.E.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Miracles of Miracles!

    Glad YOU had a wonderful time with your son, maybe you could rub off on some people I know around here. ..I wont mention any names. But time will come...when they won't WANT to hang out with dear old Dad.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Plant City, Fla U.S.A.

    Default Re: Miracles of Miracles!

    MY son has been fishing with a GIRL for the last few weeks. Can you beat that? He's fishing, I'm working. He's 19 and she's 16. well at least they're having a good time. she says she doesn't want to date him. Just hang out together.

    Well Doug, glad to hear you had some good time with your son.

    BTW, we cal it fishing and not catching for a reason,

    Rusty <><

  7. #7

    Default Re: Miracles of Miracles!

    Quote Originally Posted by MrsKneppPA
    Glad YOU had a wonderful time with your son, maybe you could rub off on some people I know around here. ..I wont mention any names. But time will come...when they won't WANT to hang out with dear old Dad.
    Mrs. Knepp,
    It took us 10 years of trying, pain and misery to have our Son Joe. So he is a miracle. I will always treasure when he called me "Daddy" as he was growing up. Now that Joe is almost 25, I have a renewed appreciation for how Wonderful he is! He is my Angel! Joe is also my incentive for taking care of my health, because if I don't, he will let me have it! (both barrels)
    Enjoying the joys of others and suffering with them- these are the best guides for man. A.E.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Miracles of Miracles!

    Quote Originally Posted by MrsKneppPA
    Glad YOU had a wonderful time with your son, maybe you could rub off on some people I know around here. ..I wont mention any names. But time will come...when they won't WANT to hang out with dear old Dad.
    Mrs. Knepp,
    It took us 10 years of trying, pain and misery, to have Joe. So he is a miracle! Joe is almost 25 yrs old and he is my Angel! I'm so proud of him (he takes after ME!) Joe is also a LOT smarter than I was, since he's turned down 3 marriage proposals!! He is picky, picky! If the M word comes up in conversation, he RUNS!!!
    Thank God we didn't spoil him! Joe was hiking 6 miles at a very young age (Reward was the Happy Meal)
    Enjoying the joys of others and suffering with them- these are the best guides for man. A.E.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Penticton BC
    Blog Entries

    Default Re: Miracles of Miracles!

    I did very little fishing at the fish in but still had the time of my life. It was not the fish that made it such a huge success for me but the company of such beautiful people. Plus I learned a ton of neat stuff from sitting on a rock and observing some great fishermen doing their thing. .

    Breaking my arm turned out to be not entirely bad after all.
    Still If I had a choice I'd pass on the fall on the unyielding rocks and the whole pain thing. .
    For God's sake, Don't Quote me! I'm Probably making this crap up!

  10. #10

    Default Re: Miracles of Miracles!

    Were happy to have you back! (Gnu Bee (Chironomid) Flyer)
    Enjoying the joys of others and suffering with them- these are the best guides for man. A.E.

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