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Thread: Packing for the Fish-in

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    aimless wandering
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    Default Packing for the Fish-in

    Well, I cleaned out the truck today. Mostly. Ran out of daylight whit about fifteen minutes left on the back seat area. I did find...

    a fire extinguisher
    tire chains
    chain tighteners
    one windshield wiper blade (new)
    one wiper blade (old)
    one bottle of glass cleaner
    five boxes of 12-gauge shotgun shells
    eleven bottles of water, unopened
    all of the parts of my tire changing kit
    jumper cables
    two fly rod tubes
    eleven cans of pork and beans (dumped from a case one day, never recovered)
    twenty or so CDs
    lots of junk mail
    two dozen muddlers
    one dozen EHCs
    one glo bug
    one whole fly box (random)
    five rolls of TP
    one roll of paper towels
    two dead pairs of wading boots

    and so on. For anyone who has ever SEEN the inside of my truck, this is not a surprise. For the record, I did NOT find Jimmy Hoffa.

    Got clothes washed, except what I am wearing right now. Tying kit packed, swap table stuff packed, all the camping items found. Washed out the back, took the toon apart to make it easier to get the rest of the stuff in, vacuumed out the front, and threw away about two green bags of crap.

    36 hours until I take off....


  2. #2
    Join Date
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    The Island Nation of Ohio

    Default Re: Packing for the Fish-in

    I just have to ask...how much of the stuff that you found went back into the truck?

    I work from my truck everyday and it's like Christmas when I clean it out. Problem is, half the crap goes right back in there cuz I'll need it ...eventually!

    Joe Valencic
    Life Member FFF
    Rod Builder in Chains

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Packing for the Fish-in

    Thats what I was doing today too. I didn't find nearly as much as you did DG .

    My lost set of keys
    A bundle of winning lottery tickets totaling $22.00 all more than a year old so they are usless now.
    $4.35 Canadian tire money. still valid
    A rotted dried up pear I forgot to eat.
    1/2 box of kentucky fried chicken popcorn chicken that I forgot to eat.
    The shoe my sister lost one night last year after a party. ( we looked high and low for that darned thing )
    Two ball caps.
    An Archie comic
    Lots of odds and end tools.
    Last years Idaho fishing licence and a copy of the Idaho regs.
    My valid 2007 washington state fishing licence. Plus the parking pass.
    And a Loonie

    I did not find my midge box, which was the reason for the search in the first place. It was on the kitchen table where I left it.
    For God's sake, Don't Quote me! I'm Probably making this crap up!

  4. #4

    Default Re: Packing for the Fish-in

    I'm showing this post to my wife ...she thinks my garage is bad...

  5. #5

    Default Re: Packing for the Fish-in

    DG, RW here,

    Ya know, that sounds about like my fly fishing vest the very first time I cleaned it out. That's back before I stopped wearing a vest. I'll have to add one thing to your list though. I found a petrified hard boiled egg too. I don't know what I weighed when I slipped that vest on, but it's probably why I have a bad back, a hernia and shortness of breath.

    Later, RW
    "The value of trout is simply that they exist" <Frank Weisbarth>

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Packing for the Fish-in

    I took out...

    the old wiper blade
    the shotgun shells (still debating that $81.75 ID small game license)
    the water bottles
    the pork and beans
    the CDs
    four rolls of TP
    the old wading boots.

    So far, I have taken out and put back in the back...

    the pontoon boat
    life vest
    the "truck box" which contains chains, cables, etc
    an empty cooler
    a shovel
    a pulaski (fire tools)
    a roll of carpet for in front of the tent

    I have yet to put in...
    the tent
    sleeping bag
    fly rods (several)
    chest pack
    misc camping gear
    and so forth

    There is a REASON I drive a truck.

    See you in Lowell. Leaving in.... 16 hours!

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Packing for the Fish-in

    DG Where do you plan to use the Pontoon boat at Lowell?
    I have one should I bring it?
    For God's sake, Don't Quote me! I'm Probably making this crap up!

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Packing for the Fish-in

    I was thinking maybe floating the selway from the first bridge down to the confluence, along all that private land. I doubt it gets fished as much as the stuff upriver. Also thought someone might want to borrow it and float wherever.

    I also have a week's drive home through MT and WY...

  9. #9

    Default Re: Packing for the Fish-in

    ....always knew DG was full of........
    .......................but 'FIVE' rolls of TP??? Gawd help y'all at the Fi & no wonder only a wet dog would sleep with him !!!

    p.s.- thankfully he didn't say he put the pork & beans back in......yet !!
    ...so many boo rods, so many trout....do I have enough time?...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    neither here nor there

    Default Re: Packing for the Fish-in

    Did ya happen to find FatBills cooking tongs? They went missing at the Michigan Fish-In ... just a thought.
    Trouts don't live in ugly places.

    A friend is not who knows you the longest, but the one who came and never left your side.

    Don't look back, we ain't goin' that way.

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