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Thread: Was a 4 wt. the right choice?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Ontario, Canada

    Default Was a 4 wt. the right choice?

    Hi All,

    I'm second guessing a recent purchase, so I'm hoping to find some affirmation here.

    I recently purchased a 4 wt. rod and reel (Orvis Battenkill BBS II reel, and the Sage 490-4 Launch Series rod). I don't doubt the quality of the equipment, I just want to be sure I selected the appropriate weight.

    I usually fish for trout in medium sized rivers and smaller streams. I like to fish dries and small nymphs. Most trout I catch are in the 8"-16" range, but it is not uncommon to catch a brown or rainbow up to 23" - but this only happens a half dozen times per summer at most. (In July and August, I'll also target smallmouth bass using dries, woolly buggers, and small poppers).

    Did I select and appropriate rod and reel for the type of fishing I'm doing (the trout in particular)? I really hope so...

    By the way, for those of you that fish 4 wts., what is the largest fly (size 8? 10? 12?)that I should throw with this set up?

    Thanks for your help,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Wondervu, CO


    I own several rods from 3wt to 6wt. I also fish small streams were the fish average 8" to 15" with an occasional whopper over 20"

    I find that fish my 4wt rod more than all the others combined. The only time I leave the 4wt at home is when I travel to a larger river where the fish average 18" or larger.

    You can land a larger fish on the 4wt, it just takes a little more finess. I like the 3wt on really small streams and pocket water when I am casting short distances and am wanting delicate presentaions, but it lacks the punch to cast up wind or to throw a size 8 weighted wooly bugger. The 4wt can toss a bigger fly just fine. If I was fishing big bass bugs and poppers all day I might use a 5wt or 6wt, but the big rods are too splashy for the small trout streams.

    The only time I felt the 4wt was not up to the job was a trip to North Platte during run-off. We needed to fish big cone head buggers with extra split shot just to get the flies to sink before the current would push the boat past the target. I needed something that would sink 5 feet in just a few seconds.

    Given the streams and situations you mentioned I think you have the best all round
    tool. I think you will be happy with it.

  3. #3


    I have a Winston IM6 (known as WT these days) 9' 4 wt.
    If I had to define "trout rod" it would be my example.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Northfield, MA USA


    I also fish small rivers and streams. My goto rod is a 4wt. so I'm with you. It does not have problems with fish the size you are talking about.


  5. #5


    4wt will suit you just fine.

    my sage 4wt sp is my favorite rod to cast. it remains the rod to which I compare all others as far as action.

    can someone explain why I have another 4wt blank (steffan bros) in the wings and am having a 4wt 'boo built?

    your 4wt should manage fine for the bass you'll target as well.


  6. #6


    Depending on the water I'm fishing, my go to is either a 7' 4 weight or an 8 1/2' 5 weight. I think you're right in there. I fish smallies as summer rolls in too, the only reason I go to the 5 weight more then is because I can turn over slightly larger flies with less effort and still don't overpower the fish. Also, 5 lb smallmouth are not uncommon around here and the little extra rod is nice.

    By the way, you'll love that reel, good choice!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Cedar City, UT


    Should be just fine. I toss unweighted flies to size 4 (largest hook I normally use), and weighted flies to 1/64 oz with my four wt.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Canton, Ohio, USA


    Yep!..4 wts fine & I agree with Jim on the fly size.
    Nice sounding outfit!
    FAOL..All about caring, sharing, & good friends!!

  9. #9


    I'm with the rest of the guys. A 4wt is a great choice. I'm thinking about a new 4wt myself. Might go with a Sage SLT.

    Enjoy your new setup!

  10. #10


    Yep that'll do just fine!I concur with all the others.

    Ol' Bill

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