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Thread: New technique for carp, trout and catfish

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    913 Jackson Lake Rd, Chatsworth, Ga. 30705 (423) 438-1060

    Default New technique for carp, trout and catfish

    I was in Hobby Lobyy yeaterday and I found some cotton balls in different sizes that looked exactly like what they sell for Glo-Bugs at Cabelas, only these were only $1.99 for 50+. They are firmer than plain cotton balls, just like the pre-made glow bug thingys at Cabelas. I brought some red small balls and a few white mediums (about 1/2" diam.) to play with.

    I ran a scud hook through them with a drop of super glue on it, and they seem secure. They look just like well-tyed Glo-Bugs, without the hassle. They even had some sparkly ones at Hobby Lobby that I plan to go back and get.

    I went to the tailraces at Carter's Lake yesterday evening and used the white medium balls with a drop of vanilla extract on them for carp. I casted up stream on the edge of the current and just let it drift around in the eddies (I used my 8 wt with a 2X leader and 8 lb tippet). Within 6 minutes, I had a carp literally rocket away with it. After a 5 minute fight, I landed a 22 lb carp. I caught 3 more in the next hour, and 1 Buffalo that weighed close to 14 lbs. The carp were all 10-15 lbs. I had to quit because my arms were tired. I rested for a bit and tried one more cast, after putting a bit more vanilla on the ball, and in 3 minutes hooked a 4 lb. drum with an attitude.

    I had about 2 hours of daylight left, so I went to my close trout stream, behind the house, and used the red small balls and put Berkely's Trout/Salmon egg scent on one. I caught 3 decent rainbows (undoubtably stockers) in 20 minutes. I think these things really work. They were in the section that had the doll eyes, and doll-making stuff.

    Tomorrow morning, I am going to go back to the tailraces and use the white balls again, but this time I will use Berkleys Catfish scent on them and try to nail some cats for supper. I'll try to take some pictures as well.

    Y'all gotta try these! They should even work on a spinning or baitcast rig with a slip sinker.

    Someone has probably already discovered these, but just in case, I wanted everyone to know. I'm having a blast with them.

    Semper Fi!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Anderson, South Carolina (Northwest corner of SC) USA

    Default Re: New technique for carp, trout and catfish


    It sounds like you are definitely on to something. Off I go to Hobby Lobby this evening. Thanks for sharing. 8T

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    913 Jackson Lake Rd, Chatsworth, Ga. 30705 (423) 438-1060

    Default Re: New technique for carp, trout and catfish

    Update: I caught 14 catfish this morning, at the Carter's Lake tailraces, ON MY FLY ROD, using the white medium balls dipped in Berkley Catfish scent. NO MORE DOUGH BAIT FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!!

    I just cast it in the eddies and let it drift. They hit it so hard it felt like they were trying to rip the rod out of my hand!

    The catfish and carp Glo-Bug.......try it......you'll like it.

    Semper Fi!

  4. Default Re: New technique for carp, trout and catfish

    Dude, I'm off to the hobby shop tomarrow, thanks!!

  5. #5
    nighthawk Guest

    Default Re: New technique for carp, trout and catfish

    Gigmaster, I am shocked at you! Why the very thought of using scent and then mentioning spinning and bait casting on this board is enough to give some on this board a kanipshin fit. Taboo, shame. I am just joking and pulling your leg a bit here

    Next time you are at Wal-Mart or another big box retailer make a circuit through their arts and crafts section. It is a virtual jackpot of these types of supplies on the cheap. Then got to their fishing section to get some Power Bait for the species you wish to target. When you are on the water, prior to tying on a fly rub some of the Power Bait on your hands an fingers. This will mask all unwanted scents on your hands. I just rub it between my hands and fingers until it crumbles onto the ground. The Power Bait paste works best for this. This stuff is strong so a little goes a long way.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    913 Jackson Lake Rd, Chatsworth, Ga. 30705 (423) 438-1060

    Default Re: New technique for carp, trout and catfish

    That's pretty close. Actually, I use the Berkley Baitmate, which is the liquid scent they mix in the paste to make Power Bait.

    This is so much better than using dough bait, or even dip baits. It's not messy at all, and stays on the hook.

    Semper Fi!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    913 Jackson Lake Rd, Chatsworth, Ga. 30705 (423) 438-1060

    Default Re: New technique for carp, trout and catfish

    Here's another update. I fried chicken liver for supper last night and saved the blood and juice from the carton. This morning, I dipped the large red balls in the blood and drifted it at the tailraces. The catfish went nuts! 5 in 30 minutes on my 8 wt, all over 8 lbs! I also caught 2 turtles , something I've never done back there before.

    Technique: Dip the Glo-Bug in whatever (blood, spray scent, Power-Bait or whatever) soaking it completely.
    Cast upstream and let it drift, watching the line closely (strike indicators might help here). Try to work it into eddies as much as possible. Just let it drift back and forth. Re-soak the fly every 4 or 5 casts.

    HANG ON TIGHT! The strikes are vicious and sudden.

    Semper Fi!

  8. #8

    Default Re: New technique for carp, trout and catfish

    This is pretty awesome.
    I'll try it! im not sure about the scent stuff yet though....

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    913 Jackson Lake Rd, Chatsworth, Ga. 30705 (423) 438-1060

    Default Re: New technique for carp, trout and catfish

    I doubt if catfish or carp will hit them without scent. They locate most of thier food by smell, almost exclusively, as opposed to bass and trout, who rely more on movement, vibration, and sight. Without some kind of suitable scent on the Glo-Bugs, catfish and carp would probably just ignore it.

    Good Luck,

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Mount Joy, Pa - USA

    Default Re: New technique for carp, trout and catfish

    Try dipping either white or yellow pom poms (glo bugs) in the juice from sweetcorn. Use the corn to chum (more people cringing) the area. Dynamite for carp!

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