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Thread: Fit or Unfit?

  1. #1

    Default Fit or Unfit?

    I have to get something off of my chest, and have been wondering about how to go about this. With the growing obesity and weight problems in america and all over the world, I thought I would start this topic.

    I see more and more morbidly obese people, And they gladly contribute to the causes of their obesity every day. Example the people who wonder why they are soo obese, Yet they go to burger king and get their ginormous meals, then head over to starbucks and get their venti latte's. Then they get in the car and go home...sit all day and get bugged and ask themselves why they are fat. Simple, If You hadn't eaten all that fattening crap.. You wouldnt be where you are. If you had done some excersize you would be slimmer. I think it's disgusting for people to be like this....It means we are lowering our standards for ourselves and letting our health go out the window. It's a sad sight to see, And there are more stories on the news about "youth developed diabetes" and "the first generation in a long time to have a SHORTER life span than the last" I think that's pretty pathetic.
    You can now find starbucks in every mall, on every corner, in other stores, and in the safeways/nob hills. The fast food places are more numerous than ever, almost a dozen of them on main street in the nearest town to me.
    It makes me sad, to say that SOME of this generation will die sooner than they should just because of some stupid fatty food, and there own fault for eating it.

    Now, with that said, Are YOU unfit or fit?

    Myself???? I am in the very fit category....Im 14.. 5'9", 113pounds some will call that SKINNY but I say thats where my body wants to be so thats where I'm at.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Lake In The Hills. IL USA

    Default Re: Fit or Unfit?

    Hey Chris,
    I get this strange feeling that perhaps you should have kept THIS one ON your chest for a few years longer.


  3. #3

    Default Re: Fit or Unfit?

    I'm proud of you for having the courage to bring up this topic! Obesity is a very complicated problem. For you it's simple, "STOP eating so much FAT!" But the truth is that people grow up in FAT families (No food education), people have medical problems, people's bodies take after their parent's bodies, Chris, STRESS is a BIG reason for people having Obesity problems. There is a tremendous amount of Stress on people to be the perfect parent, worker, friend and OMG! MONEY problems are devastating to people's mental health. All this Stress leads to Eating Disorders, overdoing it at Starbucks, Burger King and so on....
    Think about the word 'Balance', this word is vital to US keeping our lives healthy! Right amount of Sleep, Work, Food, Fun! The problem is that LIFE doesn't always cooperate with us. So the word "Adjust' is what we become familiar with. The people that don't Adjust very well, over do! Too much Work, Too Much Food, Not enough Sleep, Not enough FISHING!
    Obesity is NOT Burger Kings or Starbucks fault! WE are supposed to be responsible for what WE eat!
    As far as my Fitness, I need to lose weight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I still walk as much as I can and I can still Dream about my younger days!
    Sorry for rambling!
    Enjoying the joys of others and suffering with them- these are the best guides for man. A.E.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Coeur d'Alene, ID

    Default Re: Fit or Unfit?

    Obesity is a major health problem in the U.S. If you follow the news you'll know it's a wide spread epidemic going all the way back to pre-schoolers! What can we do about it? Very little! We can only keep our own bodies healthy and at a proper weight.
    Mark is a lean mean fly fishing machine and has managed to defeat the weight gain associated with aging. I think this is what his comment is about. At 14 you have no problem but as you age the battle to stay lean and mean gets a lot tougher.
    In High School I was 6' tall and 135 lbs. by age 50 I was 6' tall and 205! I fought it and am now 6' tall and now at age 68 175 lbs!!
    The foods you mention can atribute to obesity for sure. I may grab a Big Mac and fries but then go wade a stream for 6 hours.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Fit or Unfit?

    Fit. 5'6" 120, 15 yrs old. six pack, and monster drummer arms!!! but really, i think im fine.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 1999
    Poulsbo, Washington State, U.S.A.

    Default Re: Fit or Unfit?

    Some things seem to be black or white, but under inspection one often discovers shades of gray. On the subject, I stopped at 'Berger King' today on my way out to Sage. It was either breakfast or lunch, not sure which, it was 12'30. Bought a 'Whopper' jr. Cost a buck. Oh,,, 5' 8", 145

  7. #7

    Default Re: Fit or Unfit?

    Thanx for the replies guys, I think some people will get P O'ed but this is THE SOUND OFF board, and it says all opinions are just that, take them or leave them. My opinion.

    DOUG, you are exactly right, should have added/ thought about that before.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Fit or Unfit?

    Quote Originally Posted by J Castwell
    Some things seem to be black or white, but under inspection one often discovers shades of gray. On the subject, I stopped at 'Berger King' today on my way out to Sage. It was either breakfast or lunch, not sure which, it was 12'30. Bought a 'Whopper' jr. Cost a buck. Oh,,, 5' 8", 145
    You KILL me sometimes!!!
    Enjoying the joys of others and suffering with them- these are the best guides for man. A.E.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Fit or Unfit?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jack Hise
    Obesity is a major health problem in the U.S. If you follow the news you'll know it's a wide spread epidemic going all the way back to pre-schoolers! What can we do about it? Very little! We can only keep our own bodies healthy and at a proper weight.
    Mark is a lean mean fly fishing machine and has managed to defeat the weight gain associated with aging. I think this is what his comment is about. At 14 you have no problem but as you age the battle to stay lean and mean gets a lot tougher.
    In High School I was 6' tall and 135 lbs. by age 50 I was 6' tall and 205! I fought it and am now 6' tall and now at age 68 175 lbs!!
    The foods you mention can atribute to obesity for sure. I may grab a Big Mac and fries but then go wade a stream for 6 hours.
    If I can STOP laughing long enough I will respond to your reply! You 'Dropped' THIRTY pounds by EATING a Big Mac & Fries, then wading for SIX HOURS?????
    Chris is going to be VERY SORRY he posted this subject!
    Enjoying the joys of others and suffering with them- these are the best guides for man. A.E.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Canton, Ohio, USA

    Default Re: Fit or Unfit?

    I am NOT fit at 5'8" & 187, but I'm getting there. Two months ago, I weighed 198. I am on a quest to achieve 160 lbs, but I know it (in order to stay healthy, & my health IS good) will not happen quickly. Chris, I am 60 years old...graduated from high school at 105 lbs, gained to 130 in Army basic training, & never weighed more than 140 until after age 35. Then the old metabolism changed & I put a lot of weight on, even with staying extremely active.
    If your post motivates just ONE person to start losing weight, it is a good one.
    FAOL..All about caring, sharing, & good friends!!

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