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Thread: What do you keep your clouser minnows in?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Hermitage, TN USA

    Default What do you keep your clouser minnows in?

    Just wondering what type of fly box/container you keep your clousers in? Looking for a new or better way of storing them. Have tried the plano tackle trays and morrell fly boxes and am not satisfied. Thanks, Gary

  2. #2

    Default Re: What do you keep your clouser minnows in?

    "Fox Box" (salmon/bass/salt model)

    I originally bought it for another use but quickly determined its best use (for me) was for Clousers and bass bugs.

    Negatives: heavy, a bit ugly , and not widely distributed

    Positives: extremely tough, nothing to corrode, secure latch, no foam

    It's very deep (1.75"), so there's never an issue with smushed flies. Hooks hold securely (upright) in the poly clips. I've never had a problem with any flies slipping.

    It appears very similar to the "Bug Luggage" boxes that are more widely marketed. I seem to recall the Fox Box being heavier and with a better hinge.

    Feather-Craft lists them here http://www.feather-craft.com/2007MAster ... sp?page=34

    I believe the trout model received a mixed reaction, but the salmon/bass/salt model has really worked fine for these bigger flies.

  3. #3

    Default Re: What do you keep your clouser minnows in?

    A minnow bucket...


    Only kidding...

    Cabela's sells an inexpensive fly box that comes in various configurations; among which is a "nubby tack" undivided box. The nubby tack does hold larger hook sizes pretty well. If that doesn't float your boat you can remove the nubby stuff and put in plain sheet foam.

    I use plain sheet foam in an undivided box for 99% of my streamers and wets. Despite the fact it wears out over time; it is easily replaced.

    You can see the box [url=http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/product/standard-item.jsp?_DARGS=/cabelas/en/common/catalog/item-link.jsp_A&_DAV=MainCatcat20431-cat20550&id=0001410314083a&navCount=3&podId=000141 0&parentId=cat20550&masterpathid=&navAction=push&c atalogCode=IH&rid=&parentType=index&indexId=cat205 50&hasJS=true:c5e03]here[/url:c5e03].

    BTW - IF you are interested and can wait; these Cabela's boxes go on sale OFTEN.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Northfield, MA USA

    Default Re: What do you keep your clouser minnows in?

    Truth be told I have tried may different boxes and now keep most of my saltwater flies in plastic Plano type boxes. Otherwise they just get loose in anything clip or foam style box.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Des Moines, IA

    Default Re: What do you keep your clouser minnows in?

    I have used smaller plano 6 compartment boxes. I have used regular foam fly boxes with and without ripples. The only box that I have used and not been happy with is a flat foam box from Orvis. I doesn't seem to hold them as well as one with softer foam. Heck, I have even put a few in a plastic bag and put them in a shirt pocket. I also have one of those sheep skin lined fly wallets from LLBean. Very nice and very classy. But not that practicle.
    " If a man is truly blessed, he returns home from fishing to the best catch of his life." Christopher Armour

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Sheffield Village, OH

    Default Re: What do you keep your clouser minnows in?

    Cliff's Bugger Barn.


  7. #7

    Default Re: What do you keep your clouser minnows in?

    Double-ditto on the Bugger Barn, the best

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Lake Erie, NY

    Default Re: What do you keep your clouser minnows in?

    I have one of each size "Fox Box" mentioned above. I really like them. I would have more of them but they are so dang expensive.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2000

    Default Re: What do you keep your clouser minnows in?

    For local work from boats, I use a FlyTrak box ( www.flytrak.com ). Great product with magnetic clips that hold the fly.

    When traveling and have significant weight restrictions, I use those binders with ziplock bags that bass anglers use for spinnerbaits or plastic worms.

    When float tubing I use a a small plano box with a few flies.

    When surf fishing, I have a sheep wool patch sewn into the inside of my little chest pack and just store the flies in that (barbs crushed ahead of time so they come out easier).

  10. #10

    Default Re: What do you keep your clouser minnows in?


    I carry them a couple of ways, just a few in a foam box etc. with other streamers in a "just in case box" when planning on fish mostly dries or other stuff.

    But when I plan to fish streamers mostly, I use the same system that I use for stripers here in salt. I use a cheap 6 compartment box, but put flies like clousers, deceivers etc. in 1 1/2"x 8" plastic sleeves. You can fit a ton of flies in the slots this way without tangling everything up.

    Just don't put wet flies back in the sleeves.

    Hope this helps.


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