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Thread: Strike Indicators

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Kirksville, MO USA

    Default Strike Indicators

    I thought of this question last night on the way home from work, we are going fishing this weekend, so my mind is racing with fishing. I searched the site and found an article by Al Campbell (there was a touching tribute on the fly tying board, and I agree I feel a great loss for someone I never met, his simple flies are great, I bet he was a great guy). But anyway for those of you who nymph or use small midges do you use a pre-made strike indicator (yarn, stickies, puddy, etc..) or do you tie the nymph onto a dry and use the dry as the indicator (with the chance that a fish could take the dry)? Not a very life-changing question but one I would be interested in hearing about. And for those who do/have done both which do you prefer, and are there certain circumstances in which you use one or the other.

    A bum-legged old man and a drunk. That's all you got?
    That's WHAT I got.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Ontario, Canada


    I use the foam pill indicators. Most of places I fish have single barbless hook regulations and it fits my sporting philosophy so that's what I use all the time.

    The numerous strikes I get on the actual indicator itself reminds me why I don't match the hatch.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Heathsville, Virginia, USA


    You mean bobbers? I use the spherical hard foam ones. mostly 1/2 inch.

  4. #4


    when I do use an indicator (which is very rare) i use the yarn type or the foam indicators...but mostly I fish without them. Love the challange of seeing and feeling that fish more than using the indicators....that little swirl of the water and wham!!!

  5. #5


    Colston, a strike indicator is not a bobber if it is used correctly. A bobber is used to suspend a bait. A strike indicator is set at 1 1/2 to 2 times the depth of the water. I use the new ones out from Frog's Hair or the putty from Bio strike.

    [This message has been edited by Ray (edited 13 July 2005).]
    The man who coined the phrase "Money can't buy happiness", never bought himself a good fly rod!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Petaluma, Ca, USA


    I fail to see any distinguishable difference except in the spelling. One holds up a worm and the other holds up a fly.....usually.
    ......lee s.

    [This message has been edited by lee s (edited 13 July 2005).]

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Woodinville, WA, USA



    I tend to not use strike indicators most of the time I fish nymphs. I tend to use the "feel' method. I am sure I miss some strikes but its what I prefer. If I do use some indicator, I use a corkie threaded onto my leader hels in position with a toothpick in the hole. I have also used the small stickie spots, but they fall off easily. I don't like the dry fly and nymph dropper as much as I tend to get them tangled easily. I guess I am not skilled to throw a more open loop.

    Dr Bob
    Bob Widmaier

    My biggest fear when I die is that my wife will sell my fly fishing gear for what I told her I paid for it!

  8. #8



    Sorry but I disagree. An indicator is a bobber and regardless how you paint it, there is nothing different about the application of functions that distinguishes one from the other. You can set either one at a specific height; They both float; They may or may not (depends on how you set them) suspend the subsurface fly; They are both meant to be visual aids; They both identify a 'stike'; There are however 2 differences. One is generally the materials from which each is made. Second, is that the word 'bobber' is associated with spin or bait fishers and of course fly fishers don't want that association.

    If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck yadda yadda, it's a duck.


  9. #9


    Allan/Lee, actually a strike indicator does not hold up the fly, the fly should drift naturally on or near to the the bottom. Remember everyone uses some kind of a strike indicator when nymph fishing, many prefer to use their line/leader connection as an indicator, others use the leader on the film. All you are looking for is a slight stoppage of the natural drift or sometimes a slight movement upstream. Bobbers are usually used when still water fishing and is used to keep the bait at a specific depth. As for your duck theory figure this one out.
    A bobber is a strike indicator but a strike indicator is not a bobber.

    [This message has been edited by Ray (edited 13 July 2005).]
    The man who coined the phrase "Money can't buy happiness", never bought himself a good fly rod!

  10. #10



    "actually a strike indicator does not hold up the fly, the fly should drift naturally on or near to the the bottom."

    Depends on where you set each. If the water is 3 feet deep and you set the indicator/bobber at 2-1/2 feet, both will hold up the fly. If you set either one at 4-1/2 feet, they will both have the same effect on the fly's drift.


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