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Thread: Does anyone else suffer the "Curse of Nemesis Creek?"

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Ontario, Canada

    Default Does anyone else suffer the "Curse of Nemesis Creek?"

    Over the years, I have taken a friend of mine to a lovely little hole, on a lovely little stream, that holds lovely LARGE trout. I never fish it when he's around. I always get him set up, and let him have at it. He's an accomplished angler, and usually fishes well --- BUT, he has come to name this stream "Nemesis Creek".

    You see, the lovely little hole, on the lovely little stream does hold lovely large trout. My friend always (and I do mean always) hooks one of these large trout and he always (and I do mean always) loses them. It never fails. He's lost them on live bait. He's lost them on spinners. He's lost them on dries, and just recently, he's lost them on nymphs.

    Over the weekend, he lost another beauty. There was a moment of dread on his face, then he and I just burst into laughter. "Nemesis Creek" had bested him again! On the way back to the car he commented on just how fitting it was that he'd lost yet another trout in that hole.

    "The day I retire," he said, "I'll come back to that hole, I'll tie on that little Copper John, and I finally land one of those guys." I hope I'm there when he does.

    So...do any of you have a "Nemesis Creek?"

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Idaho falls ID. USA


    The Ranch on the Henrys fork mid Augest The trout there insult me with some regularlty!!


  3. Default

    Although its not fly fishing related, my current "nemesis" is the Kenai river. I've lived in Alaska since 2003 and fished the Kenai two summers in a row for Kings. The summer of 2004, hooked a fish, fought it for 45 min before the hook popped out. The party I was fishing with estimated the fish to be in the 60lb class. Over the July 4th holiday this year, I tangled with another fish for a full hour. Never saw the fish and will not even make a guess on the size. So after loosing this fish, I've been granted permission from the misses to construct a Kenai King Killer of a rod. Next year, they won't know what hit'em until its to late.

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