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Thread: Dumber Than Dumb...Has This Happened to You?

  1. #11

    Default Re: Dumber Than Dumb...Has This Happened to You?

    Quote Originally Posted by thomas28
    If you catch him a third time.........eat him! Tom C.
    I actually told my buddies where I got him so they're going to try and catch him too. We're going to get one of those squawk boxes Bud and Sandy used to call Flipper, (remember that?). We hope to train him to eat only our flies while alerting us to poachers, polluters and bad guys while we zoom around in an air powered float tube.

    We have affectionately named him: "Old $h!+head"

    "They call him $h!+head, $h!+head, faster than lightning, No-one you see, is dumber than he, ..."

    We may not eat him but we may smarten him up a bit!

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Milwaukee, WI

    Default Re: Dumber Than Dumb...Has This Happened to You?

    This is one of the more entertaining posts Ive read in a while. Can't say I have ever had it happen to me, but these stories are hilarious.

    I do have a little personal war going on with a certain smallmouth in my home water. He lives under a rock in a side shoot off a very large rapid (Class IV). The water here is very fast, anything presented has about 2 seconds of visibility to this fish, and he has no problem making a quick strike. This lane of fast moving water is about 10 feet off the bank, and JUST far enough that I cant reach it to make a dead drift presentation, and it is only approachable from behind so my fly moves towards me very quickly....so every time he makes a quick dash at my fly (clouser/muddler type) he releases before I can be in a position to set the hook. He has taken my fly 7 or 8 times on 4 different occassions (4 different times out to this hole trying to catch the bastard) and I can never get gim hooked.

    So I guess that would make him the smarter of us two!

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Nashville, TN. USA
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    Default Re: Dumber Than Dumb...Has This Happened to You?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bamboozle

    How about you; any moron trout in your history?
    Any trout that I catch is a moron trout...


  4. #14

    Default Re: Dumber Than Dumb...Has This Happened to You?

    Well, "Flipper" must have a relative or two in my local waters.

    While not a twice in the same day story; I took a buddy of mine to my favorite local wild trout stream yesterday. I gave him the best stretch and wished him luck. While he fished I "guided" him on the walkie-talkies we carry. As he got to one choice hole and exclaimed he had caught a big fish I said: "I bet it's a 17" rainbow*"

    (*a hatchery escapee)

    The walkie talkie went silent until he came back and said, "exactly, how did you know?" I told him, "I caught it a few weeks ago".

  5. #15

    Default Re: Dumber Than Dumb...Has This Happened to You?

    Here's one that happened to me. I cast to a pool that was right beside some flowing water and was trying to land my small bugger near a stick that was standing up. I didn't realize that there was some fishing line caught on the stick and my fly hung over the line and it was sitting there about 4 inches above the water. I stood there for a few seconds trying to decide on wading the stream or trying a roll cast to get the fly off the other line when a bass jumped out of the water and grabed my bugger. somehow the hook set and pulled off the other line and I was able to land the fish. afterward I stood there and thought to my self "why is there never anyone around to see things like this when they happen"

  6. #16

    Default Re: Dumber Than Dumb...Has This Happened to You?

    yes, in the local trout lake!
    been fishing , see a school of fish busting the surface, cast to them about 70 ft out, catch a 3 pound rainbow from it, land it and see that it has a lump by the back of its tail, i release the fish.

    5 minutes later with the same fly the school comes around to m again still busting the surface and i cast to them and catch the SAME rainbow!!! i knew it was the same because of the bolbous lump!!!!

    stupid fish

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