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Thread: Hoping to simplify leader setups

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Beacon Falls, CT

    Default Hoping to simplify leader setups

    What is the most basic fault with leaders not extending on a cast?

    I have used tapered leaders, knotted leaders (Orvis etc.), and tied my own according to various formulas. I have always had problems. The first problem seems to be getting rid of the built-in coils.
    I've tried rubber straighteners, plain stretching and using hot water. These just don't do it.

    Even when the leader is straightened it seems to resist carrying the fly out.

    Please don't suggest that the only solution is to use the latest and greatest of some new product. Fly casting has been done for decades before the advent of most of these things.

    Thanks .

  2. #2

    Default Re: Hoping to simplify leader setups

    Ray - you sure it is not a casting issue?
    "We do not inherit the earth; we borrow it from our children."

  3. #3

    Default Re: Hoping to simplify leader setups

    it is a casting issue in my mind
    not stopping hard enough on the forward cast

    and as for the leader straightening they just suck!
    i can always get mine to my standards with a piece of rubber cut from a bicycle tube! worksgreat for me

  4. #4

    Default Re: Hoping to simplify leader setups

    This is not a leader problem it's either a casting issue or a wrong sized fly issue. Your fly may be too heavy for the tippet. Or you dropping the rod tip too low on your presentation cast causing your leader to "puddle".
    The man who coined the phrase "Money can't buy happiness", never bought himself a good fly rod!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Buena Vista Co.

    Default Re: Hoping to simplify leader setups

    You may not want to hear it, but furled leaders will help both of your problems. Why resist? They're cheap.

  6. #6
    Normand Guest

    Default Re: Hoping to simplify leader setups

    Quote Originally Posted by Gramps
    You may not want to hear it, but furled leaders will help both of your problems. Why resist? They're cheap.
    if you dont furl leaders, $12.95 is not CHEAP!!!

    http://www.feather-craft.com/2007MAster ... sp?page=22

    and beware of spray from a furled leader!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2004

    Default Re: Hoping to simplify leader setups


    I will be happy to make you up a furled leader or two for you to try and they will not cost you anything. I would appreciate a report back on how they worked out for you though. I will need to know what type of flyfishing you do. Do you dry fly fish, nymph fish, streamer fish, wet fly fish and what weight rod do you use. With this information, I can try and make you some that fit your style.

    If you should decide that you really like furled leaders, you can purchase Kathy Scott's DVD and be making your own for pennies on the dollar. I think her DVD is only $15.00 and I can assure you that after viewing it, you WILL be making your own. It is a very well put together DVD and makes furling leaders very easy to understand. The internet instructions, at least for me, are very difficult and confusing to understand if you have never made a furled leader. Once you start with Kathy's DVD, the internet sites are a little easier to understand.

    One last thought on furled leaders spraying water on the cast, I have not noticed this and I use furled leaders for all my fishing. I do know that some people have tried BRAIDED leaders and they will spray water on the cast. This is because the Braided leader center is hollow and will hold water. A Furled leader is made like a rope and the center is not hollow and therefore, will not spray water like the hollow Braided leaders. A lot of people, who have tried Braided leaders, think it is the same thing as a Furled leader and it is not.

    If you would like to take me up on this offer, please PM me with the information I requested and I will make them and send them on to you. I will need your home mailing address.

    Just trying to share and be helpful.
    Fly fishing and fly tying are two things that I do, and when I am doing them, they are the only 2 things I think about. They clear my mind.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Buena Vista Co.

    Default Re: Hoping to simplify leader setups

    Quote Originally Posted by Normand
    Quote Originally Posted by Gramps
    You may not want to hear it, but furled leaders will help both of your problems. Why resist? They're cheap.
    if you dont furl leaders, $12.95 is not CHEAP!!!

    http://www.feather-craft.com/2007MAster ... sp?page=22

    and beware of spray from a furled leader!
    When you figure how long furled leaders last compared to mono leaders. They're cheap.

    I use Phoenix silk line that cost $250. Sounds expensive huh? Not really. It will last me a lifetime. How many plastic lines would I buy in a lifetime?

    As for spray and braided leaders? Once again I use Phoenix braided silk leaders. They are treated just like silk lines with Mucilin. They ride high on the water above the film like silk lines. No spray. Nice and supple and last forever.

    Sometimes saving money when you buy is spending more in the long run. Plus you don't have the performance while you think you're saving money.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Coon Rapids, MN.

    Default Re: Hoping to simplify leader setups

    Assuming a hand tied leader. Maxima tends to not retain the curls like a manufactured leader....

    I never use anything other than my hands to straighten leaders. Hold the butt of the fly line in one and and firmly and briskly pull the leader through the othr hand under tension to get it warm..might even feel hot a little. Hold tight for 3-4 secs and SLOWLY release tension. Do this over the first few knots, all at once so it wont take all morning. Then progress down the leader until you get near the tippet.

    This should cure the straightening troubles. It works well for me. You'll feel it get a bit hot...then ease up a tad on the pressure or you'll wince a little as it's too hot under the friction. Lessen the presure as you get down the leader to finer sections.

    And your casting.....You need to feel the line snap tight at the end of your cast to turn over the leader completely, then have the line drop to the water. This will straighten your delivery and solve your problem. When you get used to that and feel your cast you can later allow for a gentler cast and not use all of the line for a full cast but your cast will still turn over the leader fully if your delivery is edequate!

    Consider some casting help. It's no sweat off of your nose. It just might be your answer.

    Hope this helps,


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Upstate, New York

    Default Re: Hoping to simplify leader setups

    Quote Originally Posted by Ray Kunz
    What is the most basic fault with leaders not extending on a cast?

    I have used tapered leaders, knotted leaders (Orvis etc.), and tied my own according to various formulas. I have always had problems. The first problem seems to be getting rid of the built-in coils.
    I've tried rubber straighteners, plain stretching and using hot water. These just don't do it.

    Even when the leader is straightened it seems to resist carrying the fly out.

    Please don't suggest that the only solution is to use the latest and greatest of some new product. Fly casting has been done for decades before the advent of most of these things.

    Thanks .

    If your leader is straight and you are casting well, you may be adding too much tippet at the tip. Leaders turn over flies with continuing motion. The taper in your leaders, either stepped or continuous is what keeps the motion going. If you add too much tippet at the end you run out of energy to turn over the long piece of same diameter tippet and it collapes on itself. If you have tappered leader that ends at 4x only add 2 feet of 5x. If you need 6x to fish, then add 1 foot of 5x and 2 feet of 6x. If that doesnt solve your problem, then you are probably not finishing your cast with enough stop like some others suggested. Good luck.

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