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Thread: Washington regulations question

  1. #1

    Default Washington regulations question

    I'll be headed to Washington in a week (wahoo!) and plan to fish the lakes near Ephrata before the fish-in, then see all y'all at Rocky Ford creek. I've got a question about "Fly-fishing only" waters in Washington -- the regs from last year (all I have available right now) state that:

    "other line may be used for backing or leader if attached to at least 25 feet of fly line," and that
    "Anglers may not use ... weight attached to the leader or line."

    Does that forbid sinking tip fly line?
    How about a 8-10 foot sinking tip that I add with braided loops or a nail knot, between fly line and leader?
    And how about a short sinking tip made from very heavy weighted line (about 2 feet of it) between fly line and leader? I use that rig a lot for float tubing lakes.

    Thanks in advance -- getting packed for the trip, and need to know what I can rig up. One of the lakes I'll be at during the trip (Pass Lake near Anacortes) is listed as "fly-fishing only."


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Carmel, ME USA

    Default Re: Washington regulations question


    You'll be fine. There are those who, in an attempt to get around the regs, use fly line attached to mono and use weights to get the cast out. They are not fly fishing, just bait casting with a bit of fly line to do some poaching.

    Happiness is wading boots that never have a chance to dry out.

  3. #3

    Default How weak!!

    Quote Originally Posted by danbob
    I'll be headed to Washington in a week (wahoo!) and plan to fish the lakes near Ephrata before the fish-in, then see all y'all at Rocky Ford creek. I've got a question about "Fly-fishing only" waters in Washington -- the regs from last year (all I have available right now) state that:

    "other line may be used for backing or leader if attached to at least 25 feet of fly line," and that
    "Anglers may not use ... weight attached to the leader or line."

    So you cant indicate with split shot??

  4. #4

    Default Re: Washington regulations question

    Yes that's right; in waters that are restricted to fly fishing only additional weight may not be added to the leader. Weight incorporated into the construction of the fly, in the form of lead (or lead substitute) wire wrapped under the body materials or bead heads, is allowed. In waters managed under selective regulations (artifical lures only, single barbless hooks) weight may be added to the leader.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Washington regulations question

    Thanks folks -- I'm all rigged up now with one reel that has sinking tip, the other with a sinking head (so I can remove it fast if they start rising), and some weighted flies. Gonna paddle around in the easy chair with flippers for a few days before we try Rocky Ford Creek and see all y'all at the fish-in! DANBOB

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