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Thread: when tying on folded wing....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Troy Montana

    Default when tying on folded wing....

    How do you fold a folded wing, Right now it isn't really working for me


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    New York

    Default Re: when tying on folded wing....

    Not sure exactly what you mean by a folded wing. Are you talking wet flies here? What is your wing material.

  3. #3

    Default Re: when tying on folded wing....

    When I use a folded wing for wet flies, I cut out from the feather the section of fibre I'm going to use, twice
    the breadth of the wing I want. I keep the section together, that is the fibres still hooked together as they were on the feather.

    I then decide which side I want to show outwards. I lay the section with the side I want to show downwards between my thumb and the base of the forefinger of my left hand, before I do this I wet lightly this part of my left hand (a little spit), it helps the thumb to grip, and I gradually close up the feather section with my hand. I do this slowly and finally have the folded section gripped between the thumb and base of the forefinger.

    This is for a single wing wet fly. With the section gripped with my left hand, I now judge how long a wing I want, and tie down.

    As soon as I have made three or four turns, I leave the bobbin-holder hanging down and trim off the surplus.
    I then complete the tying down when I've decided the angle I want the wing at, using the thread to fix it.

    I prefer single winged wet flies of the old Clyde and Tweed type.
    Note this is not for the American style Wet Fly a la Bergman.
    Donald Nicolson (Scotland)


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Troy Montana

    Default Re: when tying on folded wing....

    I'm sorry, but I was in a bit of a hurry, I am tying classic atlantic salmon patterns with wood duck, amherst and golden pheasant tails, grey peacock pheasant, and wood duck. What I hurd from someone is that ou have to epoxy it. Is that really all you have to do? Thanks for your time.


  5. #5

    Default Re: when tying on folded wing....

    Sorry if that was not the info you wanted, you'll have to be more specific next time.

    Still, it may be of use to someone else.

    I suggest you try the Atlantic Salmon Fly Tying section here on FAOL.
    Donald Nicolson (Scotland)


  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Amstelveen, The Netherlands

    Default Re: when tying on folded wing....


    I'm sorry, but I was in a bit of a hurry, I am tying classic atlantic salmon patterns with wood duck, amhurst and golden pheasant tails, grey peacock pheasant, and wood duck.
    Sounds like fun.

    What I heard from someone is that you have to epoxy it.
    The sound you heard was likely Geo M. Kelson turning over in his grave... followed by prolonged sobbing.

    Is that really all you have to do?
    I would say that the general consensus among the classic atlantic salmon fly community is that epoxy has no place in the practice.

    These built wings are, well, built. One set of feathers at a time, thread wraps fixing them in place and position/angle.

    Stay tuned for Ronn Lucas, Sr. to chime in here.

    Thanks for your time.
    You are very welcome.

    Hans W
    ===================== You have a Friend in Low Places ======================
    Hans Weilenmann, The Netherlands
    ================================================== ==============

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