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Thread: True temper fiberglass rod

  1. #1

    Default True temper fiberglass rod

    Today I was at an antique store here in Iowa city down town, and I saw a True temper fiberglass rod. It is a 6 wt 2 pcs rod that needs new guides and tip guide. The real seat seems to be ok as well as the metal ferrules. The shop ask for $25. I may buy it and put new guides and use it to fish for bass and blueguill in the ponds around home.
    I wonder if someone knows about this brand of rods. I don't own any fiberglass rod, and this would be the first one. What should I expect for the rod performance? Any comment or advise will be very wellcome!!!

    "And I think to myself .....what a wonderful world" Satchmo

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004

    Default Re: True temper fiberglass rod

    Seeing that no one else has anything to say, I'll chime in with some uneducated comments.
    Being from a mid-west manufacturer, True Tempers are just not found here in the east

    Since the rod is rated with the aftma rating of being a 6wt, that places it as being made after 1961.. at least.
    The metal ferrules place in in the early to mid '60s
    A glass fly rod should have approximately one guide per every foot in the rod's lenght (8 guides for an 8' rod), lesser quality glass rods often had less guides than they should have had
    I would say that a good quality rod in poor condition might be worth $25-$45
    For a lesser quality rod, $25 might be a lot.
    That's an uneducated opinion, for expert advice you should ask here;

    The simpler the outfit, the more skill it takes to manage it, and the more pleasure one gets in his achievements.
    --- Horace Kephart

  3. #3

    Default Re: True temper fiberglass rod


    Thanks for the comments about the rod. I finaly got the rod. It is my summer project now. The rod measures 8'3", which means that have lost some 3"... The tip section is the shorter one. Other than that, the overall condition of the blank is fair to good. It seems that the rod was used quite a bit. A closer inspection resulted in a lose grip that easily came out. I will replace the cork grip and reel seat (for another plastic/aluminium one) in addition to the guides. And yes, I'll put more and bigger guides. The few guides that still had were really of small diameter. The striping guide was really small. It will not be a funcy rod rather a bass rod for the ponds around home. Something that I can keep in the car with some bass flies and ready to go.
    Here are some pics of the rods. This is the "before condition"

    I hope to post some pic soon of the "after condition"

    "And I think to myself .....what a wonderful world" Satchmo

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Pueblo West, CO

    Default Re: True temper fiberglass rod

    For your $25, you could have picked up a new blank of reasonable quality, add about $30 for guides and reel seat/handle and you would have had a decent but not great user rod. Your True Temper may also get you there, but maybe not since the tip section may have been broken in the past and the mechanics messed up. What the heck, you will have fun rebuilding it Allyn

  5. #5

    Default Re: True temper fiberglass rod

    Yeah I know.... but I can't help myself. I always get myself into troubles... Let see how this project come out.

    "And I think to myself .....what a wonderful world" Satchmo

  6. #6

    Default Re: True temper fiberglass rod

    Your mention of True Temper reminded me of one of my first fly rods. I still have it. It is a True Temper 3003, 8 1/2 ft. Made in the USA. It also says Custom Built Three Thousand. I have always liked the rod, if anything, for the color of it. It is steel gray, with baby blue monofilament wrappings with chrome mylar like stuff under the wrappings. The ferrules are aluminum with an O ring. I wonder how good it is suppose to be?

  7. #7

    Default Re: True temper fiberglass rod

    I hope to tell you soon how I like mine. I bought the guides and grip a month ago and it seems that I have lost the guides.... wierd the grip is already glued but I can't find the guides... I will have to buy a new set...

    "And I think to myself .....what a wonderful world" Satchmo

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    New York

    Default Re: True temper fiberglass rod

    I've never owned a True Temper rod but I'm familiar with the brand. My guess is it's a middle of the road quality rod, sort of like Horrocks-Ibbotson. Anything can happen with your rebuild. It may turn out to be a gem. In any case, it's a good project rod. I look forward to seeing your finished results.

  9. #9

    Default Re: True temper fiberglass rod

    My dad has a TruTemper 8wt. I bought a reel and cheap BSPro line for it and it casts really smooth. I'd call it a slow action. Would be great for Bass/Panfish poppers.

  10. #10

    Default Re: True temper fiberglass rod

    John and Gadabout,

    Thanks for the feedback, I also hope that the project come out nice for bass fishing. After all this was the original plan, to have a slow action rod good for bulky flies.
    I'm in the process of wraping the guides (I found them after searching the whole appartment for a couple of days)
    I'll post some pics when I get it done.

    "And I think to myself .....what a wonderful world" Satchmo

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