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Thread: TU's Top 100

  1. #1

    Default TU's Top 100

    I was in Barnes and Noble yesterday and I saw that the new Top 100 book was out. I was struck by the fact that my favorite water in the state I live in was listed. This water only has about 3 miles open to the public, the creek itself is about 15 feet wide and the place just gets hammered nearly every day of the week. You can only creel one fish per day at this place so it's pretty much C&R. It just seems odd to me that TU would put such a small water in the spotlight like that. I was just wondering what everyone else's thoughts were on this.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Butler Pa U.S.A.


    If it's that good let me know where you live, I'm only a couple states away.

    (Just Kidding)

    Fish like predator.

  3. #3



    I understand your concerns. We Missourian's wish that TU would have left
    Crane Creek off of the list as well.


  4. #4


    Just so I don't seem to be cryptic, the place I am referring to is called X Creek

  5. #5



    Sometimes you want to tell TU to, "JUST SHUT UP!"


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Ames, Iowa, USA


    YES but - popularity really is a double edged sword. By my count about 3 miles of trout streams I used to fish regularly were lost in the last 2 years. Trust me, Iowa has so little quality cold clear water that this is a big hit. Why were they lost? Largely because the trout fishing community was not pushing hard enough to keep them open. They will now make scenic brooks through housing developments. As far as those three pieces of water go, I wish they had been written up a few times and had a militant following that were willing to yell and scream to keep them open.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Northfield, MA USA


    I want to know all the good streams that you fish, but don't want anyone to know mine.

    I guess we can't have it both ways.


  8. #8


    JW Hill,

    That fella who comes up with the TU list obviously hasn't fished Crane Creek in awhile. If the top 100 list is about important trout streams, then CC should be on there. If it's about great fisheries then it shouldn't. The last several years of drought have taken a heavy toll on CC and it's population of McCloud Rainbows. In my last 3 trips up there I saw a total of one trout. And I cover a lot of water.

    Fishing the Ozarks

  9. Default

    Actually I believe that it isnt decided by TU but is compiled via a poll of its members.

    [This message has been edited by Enemy_of_Carp (edited 14 June 2005).]

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Fairview, TX, USA


    That's right. TU ran a poll on it's website and the list of most popular streams from that poll formed the basis for the revised "100 Best" book. Our TU chapter had the pleasure of hosting the author, John Ross, on our local river in March 2004 as he was doing research for the book.

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