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Thread: Number of Posts

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Delaware, Ohio

    Default Number of Posts

    It seems as though those of us who have a comparitivley low number of posts here and on forums in general simply get passed by. I've noticed that in threads, people's comments who have low post numbers get dismissed as a nuisance instead of a valid comment that may actually have some value.
    Maybe this is my own self-consciousness, but it seems to be quite wide-spread on almost every discussion board out there.

    So...what are your thoughts? Do you tend to pay more attention to those with 3,000 posts than you do to those with 3 posts? Be honest now...
    P.S. If I don't get any answers to this question, then that will be answer enough for me.
    Leave No Trace

  2. #2


    Simple answer "NO"

    Seldom even notice the # of posts...frankly I think # of posts only means being an active member a long time....like Bobby Knight says his # of wins means he's been coaching for a long time...

    My ...posts / day... I think are pathetic....should be out fishing....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Missouri & Texas


    I never pay attention to it..NEVER

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Auckland, New Zealand


    I think there probably is a wee bit of that, but it's normal. If you go to a party, and there are people there you know and those you do not, most people tend to converse more with those they already know. After someone has posted for awhile, people get a better feel for who the poster is and what sort topics they like to discuss. It's the "getting to know you" phase.

    However, I doubt anyone checks the number of posts directly. It's just it takes a number of posts before people get to know you well.

    - Jeff
    Am fear a chailleas a chanain caillidh e a shaoghal. -

    He who loses his language loses his world.

  5. #5


    Rarely notice # of posts Wild One.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    Wild One,

    I cannot answer for anyone else, but, for me, I never look at how many posts anyone has. I could not tell you how many posts I have made. I will read just about all the posts that are made and I may or may not respond. Some posts I do not have any experience with the person's question on equipment or their requests and so I just read everyone else's posts and never respond. I try to only respond to the questions that I have some knowledge on. Some posts do not require any comments like those who are just thanking someone or commenting on a vendor's good service. You can also look at a post subject and to the right of it there is a number telling you how many people have read it and there not be any posts. A lot of people just lurk and read and take from the other posts that are made what they were looking for and you never know they are there. If I have a "gut" feeling that someone's post is made just to "stir the pot" I stay out of it. I do not need that.

    So, I think you may be wrong in your thoughts. At least I hope you are because I cannot live without FAOL to go to everyday and I think there are a great bunch of people here. If there are a few bad apples, they are way out numbered with good people with the desire to help others. I know that JC and LF are two very fine people and I will defend them at all cost.

    Wild One, stay with us because we need good people like yourself.

    Now, let's go fishing!
    Fly fishing and fly tying are two things that I do, and when I am doing them, they are the only 2 things I think about. They clear my mind.

  7. #7


    Wild One,
    I have always been a detail person. I also am curious and thinking is important to me. One thing I don't want to be is paranoid.
    Each person has different motives with their posts and sometimes we get the response we want and sometimes we don't.
    I want to echo what someone else said, KEEP POSTING!
    You never know what you will learn.
    Sometimes I look at profiles, but NOT for number of posts.
    Enjoying the joys of others and suffering with them- these are the best guides for man. A.E.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 1999
    Poulsbo, Washington State, U.S.A.


    WOW,,, you need to see someone... soon.

    "Look out, the paranoids are coming!"

  9. #9
    nighthawk Guest


    Number of posts doesn't matter a hoot to me. If I do not feel comfortable about a topic or giving advice then I do not post.

    IMO, my fly tying and fishing skills aren't that great. There are many others here better suited to give advice than me. I tend to try and help in the personal and spiritual aspect.

    Keep your chin up and keep posting here. We like having you here and if you were not welcome here you would know it by now.

  10. #10


    I'm guilty. I look. I am new to FAOL. I ask a lot of questions, give some answers if I have an opinion but like DShock, it's just to learn a little about the person. I am trying to make friends, sight unseen, so it's just a way to learn a little more about the person and their interests.

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