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Thread: my apologies

  1. #1

    Default my apologies

    Hello everyone.

    I have been off the board a lot. I have been extremely busy and in the middle of a bunch of test. I needed to get my head screwed on straight again. I am still in remission and that helped. But I have lost some friends and family (including Al) to death lately.

    It has just been too many in a short period of time. I am not depressed, but just a bit overwhelmed with all of it. So Sue and I decided to take a week and go visit my dad. WE fished and watched the Braves. After watching the Braves this last 15 days I see I am not the only one that has been having some down days.

    We laughed at the baseball luck, and caught enough bass to feed us very well.
    WE had a great time traffic went our way, and only saw one bad accident. A semi tractor burned to the wheels.

    I just wanted everyone to know I passed all those test again, so I am still in remission. And I want you all to be just a little extra careful. Like I said I have lost enough friends and family this year for a very long time.

    I missed everyone here while I was fishing, no internet....


  2. #2


    Nice to have you back, Harold, and that's great news re: the tests.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    East Bridgewater,Ma USA


    Hi Harold, I'm sorry for your losses. I've been there too, so I know of what you speak of... On the other hand, the news of your health is very uplifting. I'm very happy to hear that you and the wife had a nice vist with Dad. Glad you are getting out on the water, and was humored that you feel that you have to apologize for that!! I noticed the volume on the board has slowed a bit since the weather has finally broken in much of the popular fishing areas. We should be fishermen first, after all...(as much as I enjoy this board). I had a few days off last week, and used them to hit a few places in my state that I had heard of but never tried. I put in some time fishing some C&R and "Flyfishing only" waters. I worked on my moving water skills, managed a few trout, then hit some stillwaters and tried some new flies and techniques. I caught my first Tiger trout on Sunday- really cool fish, that taped 16 inches, along with 8 rainbows and a nice Brookie... I found myself wiped out and not up to posting by the time the gear was stowed and chores caught up with.(No Apologies!!!) Glad to see your post, Tight Lines To You! Jim

    "Knowledge is knowing, wisdom is understanding"

  4. #4


    WB HH!!! Your an important part of this BB...


    Spelling and Grammar not subject to judgement...
    "Because by the Grace of God I can, be on a beautiful mountain stream with a friend , have the water boil from a 12" Native Brookie taking a self tyed dry,and feel it on the end of my cane... It don't get no better than that..."

  5. #5


    Hey Backbeach

    I have it really lucky, my fishing partner (Sue) took care of the equipment, I was too whipped after driving for 8 hours. In fact the only thing I had to do was tie her hook on the line... She still has trouble doing that, but she will take the fish off. She had a few problems with her reel, but I always have extras. So we switched it out and she was fishing again in about 5 minutes. It is really nice to have the wife be my fishing partner.
    I got to sit and watch my dad fish for 2 days. I worry a lot about his health being 74, but after watching him fish and work all week, I felt a lot better. He is single and had a date for last night. I called and asked him how it turned out. The only thing I got from him was she was a little older than he is and she likes to fish. I guess that is the important things. heheheh

    Grubb, Reuel and ducksterman thanks...

  6. #6


    No need for apologies Harold. Everyone needs their space once in awhile. Glad to see you're still hanging in there. But the Braves... they need to apologize if they keep playing like that.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Thuwal, Saudi Arabia


    Harold, you only need apologize for not possting this on the sw board! welcome back!

  8. #8


    D. Micus;

    Of course I should have posted it so the pirates could read it first, but since I went freshwater bass fishing I was afraid I might have to walk a plank.

    Glad to see your bass are back. I worry about you being in a place that you can not fish for long periods at a time.
    We are getting ready for the "storm" to stop by and visit. It will miss us but dump a lot of water in our laps we are afraid. At least it is not a hurricane this time.


  9. #9


    Hey Harold,

    No apologies needed. Glad to hear your tests went well and you got some time away. I'm sure the Saltwater Forum will forgive you for those Bass not being Snook . Just slip on over to the Warmwater Forum. We'd be glad to hear about your Bassing adventures.

    We've been getting ready for a long while now for the season. Repairs and reinforcements are complete. Just waiting on the electrician to hook up (wire) the generator. Lots of folks still don't have roofs here and the repairs on the damage to the county continues. Estimates made of about five years are probably right on the mark for our area. Longer for other counties.

    Robert B. McCorquodale
    Sebring, FL

    "Flip a fly"

    [This message has been edited by dixieangler (edited 09 June 2005).]
    Robert B. McCorquodale

    "Flip a fly"

  10. #10


    good to hear from you again!

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