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Thread: Poppers for trout?!?!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Ontario, Canada

    Default Poppers for trout?!?!

    I was reading a fly fishing publication from the United Kingdom, and there was an article in it about using poppers (they looked like small bass poppers) for trout.

    Has anyone ever tried this? If so, what kind of results did you get?


  2. #2


    I don't know about little poppers but we use really big poppers at night for browns. The idea is to fool big browns into thinking it's a nice mouse or frog. Deer hair frog poppers in #2 hook size work well. Also we tie big furry muddlers in #2. You start by slapping them down on the water. Really slapping them hard with a big splash. This is all done about 10 or 15 feet in front of you. You then strip them in a little with a twitching motion (mouse) or a jerky motion (frog). If there is a brown there he will hit it like a freight train. Literally sounds like someone threw a big rock into the water. You are then in for the time of your life with a 22" brown on your line in the middle of the night. Best times are moonless nights in July or August when it's hot and muggy and there are no mega hatches left to distract the big boys. Sleep during the day and don't even bother thinking about serious fishing until 10 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2004

    Default Poppers for trout!

    A couple weeks ago I submitted a popper dedicated to the creator of the pattern, Sam Blevins, and the name of it was, "Sam's One Bug".

    This was created for bluegill, bass, etc.

    One day last fall while trout fishing a local river here I noticed a young couple with the cutest little girl fishing from the bank and they had a cooler and were trying to catch a mess of bluegill to take home and not having much success. I put Sam's One Bug on and started catching bluegill and giving them to their daugther who would take them to the cooler. She would just squeal and carry on everytime I would catch one and she was a joy to watch. As the evening progressed and the sun went down, the young couple thanked me for the mess of fish and they left. I kept on fishing the One Bug and had 2 nice rainbow jump all over it! After that, is when I decided that Sam's One Bug would be a great strike indicator since it did have a hook in it and some trout seemed to like it. I will use it more this season and see if more trout like it.
    Fly fishing and fly tying are two things that I do, and when I am doing them, they are the only 2 things I think about. They clear my mind.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    My father told me forty years ago that you can not catch a trout on a popper.
    I've been tring to prove him wrong ever since
    So far he is right
    The simpler the outfit, the more skill it takes to manage it, and the more pleasure one gets in his achievements.
    --- Horace Kephart

  5. #5


    i saw a girl on TV catch a rainbow on a popper she tied made of a foam ear plug. this was last summer that i saw the show. it can be done

  6. #6

    Default Re: Poppers for trout!

    Quote Originally Posted by WarrenP
    A couple weeks ago I submitted a popper dedicated to the creator of the pattern, Sam Blevins, and the name of it was, "Sam's One Bug".

    This was created for bluegill, bass, etc.

    One day last fall while trout fishing a local river here I noticed a young couple with the cutest little girl fishing from the bank and they had a cooler and were trying to catch a mess of bluegill to take home and not having much success. I put Sam's One Bug on and started catching bluegill and giving them to their daugther who would take them to the cooler. She would just squeal and carry on everytime I would catch one and she was a joy to watch. As the evening progressed and the sun went down, the young couple thanked me for the mess of fish and they left. I kept on fishing the One Bug and had 2 nice rainbow jump all over it! After that, is when I decided that Sam's One Bug would be a great strike indicator since it did have a hook in it and some trout seemed to like it. I will use it more this season and see if more trout like it.
    If you fished this fly or similar poppers during the Salmonfly hatch...I can guarantee you would catch trout

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2000
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    Think dragonflies.

    This is actually a "half-pounder" steelhead, although the adults ate em too. The good thing was the fly was too big for the little fish to eat.

  8. #8


    I have caught numerous Rainbow Trout on Bass poppers in lakes while fishing for Smallmouth.

    Seems the Rainbows like an agressively worked popper sometimes.

    The last one, a little 12 inch fish, chased the bug for five feet, missing it three times before finally taking it.

    Each time this has happened, I've been really working the popper hard and fast.

    I guess you could try targeting the trout with smaller poppers, but the smallmouth would still hit them, and if there are smallmouth, why bother with trout?

    Good Luck!

    It Just Doesn't Matter....

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Sheffield Village, OH


    I've caught stocker rainbows on a small popper in a pond. Not sure how much success you'd have on your nearest spring creek.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Delaware, Ohio


    I agree with gutbomb. I'm not sure wild, native trout would react that much to a small bass popper as it doesn't seem to imitate the natural insects they are used to seeing. Stockers from a pond may be a different story.
    Bobinmich's strategies sound like a blast though. Bob, do you do this on stillwater or rivers. If on the rivers, are you stripping/popping them up or downstream? Interesting thread, BTW.
    Leave No Trace

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