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Thread: Fast rods , and overloading?

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Idaho falls ID. USA


    FK got it right!! how much a rod bends determins line weight how it bends determins acton


  2. #22


    The rain in Spain falls mostly on the plain.....

  3. #23


    Measuring to ATMFA standards of first 30 - tip may give a technically "accurate" weight but if there's an additional 7 1/2 feet of head you are effectively overlining assuming you are werkin' it outside the tip. Some RIO lines are barely in AFTMA standards--- I think the Selective Trout line is in by 1 gr.

    Here's something from RodMaker Magazine that attempts to explain how to figure out the correct weight to throw on your line taking in to account rod length, deflection (measured by pennies minted after 1996!?!), average casting distance, and "average" casting speed (Speedy Gonzaleses could go a little lighter, slowpokes a little heavier.)


    The article also shows how to calc. the actual weight of your line to compare to ATMFA standards.
    According to "Dr. Bill" lines like Sci. Anglers GPX and Sage Performance are out of AFTMA specs.


  4. #24
    Join Date
    Feb 2000


    S.A. readily identifies that those lines are over spec, such as the GPX by about 1/2 a wt I believe, as Rio does for some of their lines. It is not anything they are trying to hide. Cortland marks some of their lines in .5 increments. In practice, the difference between such a line and one within the spec amounts to a difference of a couple of feet of line extended beyond the rod tip.

    "The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain!" (from 'My Fair Lady')

    Oh, and there is another situation where I have intentionally uplined rods that I didn't list in my earlier post. A few years ago I made a trip half way around the world for a few weeks fishing in a tropical location. The location was remote and there would not be an opportunity to replace broken rods. There was also a very restrictive weight restriction on baggage. I carried 2 9wts, 2 10wts, and 11 wt, and a 12wt rod because those were the rods I already had. In addition to a couple of shooting head setups I carried a trio of 10wt and a trio of 11wt full length lines. The 10 wt lines could be used on the 9,10, and 11 wt rods, and even the 12 in a pinch. The 11wt lines could be used on the 10,11,and 12 wt rods, and even the 9s in a pinch. In this case, the choice was one of economy.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Dec 1999
    Litchfield, CT, USA



    Wow, that is dedication,,,,, 6 fly rods, perhaps 6-8 reels,,,,,did you leave all your clothes behind to make the weight restriction?

    I like your priorities.


    Years ago I visited Bill Hunter at his shop in NH,,,he had on the shelf several SA lines of the old Supreme label (that was high end premium at the time, late 1970's) that were labeled WF4.5F and WF5.5F, these were made intentionally and marked for the FF who wanted a line inbetween existing AFTMA standards, etc. They were not intended for fast vs. slow rod actions.


  6. #26


    Quote Originally Posted by peregrines

    The article also shows how to calc. the actual weight of your line to compare to ATMFA standards.
    According to "Dr. Bill" lines like Sci. Anglers GPX and Sage Performance are out of AFTMA specs.

    JC - Is this what you were refering to in "Another Casting Column" last year? Lesson learned on my part here. I feel your pain.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Idaho falls ID. USA


    I worked as a Rep. for SA when they interduced the half sizes. They were at best a complete flop! Almost no one including the folks selling them (Me included) could tell the differance. IT WAS A SALES GIMICK TO GET MORE LINE SALES! if a dealer had to carry 20 SKU's instead of 10 they had less money to spend with cortland. Most dealers told them (us) to stick it where the sun don't shine.


  8. #28
    Join Date
    Feb 2000



    3 changes of clothes. Two to alternate on fishing days, washed out at the end of each day. 1 fresh set to wear on the plane trip out. Flies packed in a large spinnerbait binder that also held my leader, tippet material,and tools instead of boxes and boat bags. Only 4 reels. I swapped lines as needed.

    Oh, and I had matching lines for all rods for my local So Cal conditions. But didn't want to spend for a bunch of tropical lines that may never get used again, so I selected a set for the trip that would give me the flexibility with the rods I had. I also wanted to make sure I had spares. A couple of lines were shredded on the trip by structure.

    There were 12 anglers on that trip. I believe about half uplined rods by one and half used the rated line. I fell in between because my 9s were uplined, 10s and 11 used rated line. The 12 never left its sock.

    The rods included Sage RPLX and RPLXi, and Powell AXS models that many people like to upline, but I always liked with the rated line.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Dec 1999
    Litchfield, CT, USA



    "Almost no one including the folks selling them (Me included) could tell the differance"

    I agree, my WF4.5F was not any different than the standard WF4F. I believe the reason was the tapers were identical.

    Today we have different casting characteristics due to line Tapers,,,, not the 1/2 line weight that is discussed so often in GPX vs. XPS vs. Rio Grand. It is the weight distribution in the line taper not the actual weight in grains of the 30ft head.



    The large spinner bait folder was shown to me by a local saltwater FF. It is an excellent and very compact way to carry lots of flies for travel.


  10. #30


    Comments on a few points...

    I understand that a rods rated action will not change, no matter what line is used or how much of it is out of the tip. That'd be like saying that once I get my camaro up to around sixty it becomes a corvette.

    I understand the reasons to up line and down line, and that it can make good sense.

    My initial point was this, it seems to me that a lot of people buy the latest and greatest rod, regardless of wether or not the rod suits them. When I say suits them, I refer to casting ability and style. I know that it's their money and that it's their right as a consumer, but I often wonder if people don't make the sport harder to enjoy than is necessary. A high dollar rod or reel isn't going to catch you any more fish, even if the adds make it sound like it will. Sure they will be very useful tools and make a job much easier, in the right hands. I just don't understand why it is so often heard that so and so bought rod X and had to overline the rod in order to feel it load, thus "slowing it down" so they can fish with it. Perhaps it's me. Perhaps thses people really are overlining or underling a rod for a particular, technical reason. Perhaps not. I just think that more people might be able to better enjoy the wonderful sport of fly fishing if less emphasis was placed on owning "The" rod, and more was placed on owning the right rod for that person.
    Dead fish don't make reel music.

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