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Thread: questions about my new "boo"

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Canton, Ohio, USA

    Default questions about my new "boo"

    I have questions about my new vintage South Bend 291 4pc 7 1/2' bamboo flyrod....
    1) It calls for E & HDH...I'm guessing that would translate to "level 5 wt" & "4 wt double taper"..am I close? totally ignorant or what?
    2) There is a loose thread by one of the ferrules...how to fix or do I take it to an expert?.I would need to find which expert is closest to me.
    3) Hints or websites regarding proper care and/or use?
    4)hen I hook up th first time with this rod, am I gonna be ruined for life?
    Thanks in advance for helping!
    FAOL..All about caring, sharing, & good friends!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Rolla, Missouri


    Hey Mime...

    Yes, you are gong to be ruined for life. You won't be of any account to anyone, all you'll have desire for is fishing with cane, reading about cane, admiring cane and lusting for a silk line just so you can experience the way it really was! Once you acquire a silk line then you will be a irredeemable.

    I'm not familiar with the old line weight ratings so I can't help you there, nor do I have the slightest idea of how to fix the loose thread. I'd have to take it to someone.

    As far as care, when I got my first grass stick the guy told me just to wipe it down and make sure it was dry before storage.

    The best piece of advice I can give you is the same as I said last Saturday when we talked, slow down your cast. You will catch on to the action quickly I believe. In my twisted perspective going from graphite to bamboo is similar to changing from modern rifles to muzzleloaders. They both force you to slow down, then you have more time to enjoy the other aspects of being where you are and doing what you're doing. I still use graphite and modern rifles but more often than not I use bamboo and muzzleloaders. The wife and I are leaving this afternoon for a combination squirrel hunting/fly fishing camping trip with some friends, guess what I'm taking.

    Glad the rod got to you fine, enjoy it, as I'm sure you will! It was good speaking with you last weekend. Take care and good luck!


  3. #3


    Tuber, the HDH designation would be a 6DT not a 4. The E does equate to a level 5.

    Your loose thread is easily fixed, if you don't know how to do it find a rod builder.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2001
    ann arbor mi, usa


    I can fix that loose thread for you. Get it done before you go out. It will only get worst. I'm just a state North of you.
    all the 290/291 I've had are 5wt.
    Where did you get yours from.

    The only things we permanently keep, are those we give away-Waite Philips

  5. #5


    You might want to pick up John Gierach's "Fishing Bamboo" book. He has a chart in there that shows the old line weight categories and their modern equivalents.

    It's a great book. (And I don't even own a bamboo rod!)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Cedar City, UT


    Mike, here are some questions I asked the builder of my bamboo rod, and his answers. Remember, this was for a newly built rod. Use what is helpful, and weigh against other advice you receive.

    1. Ferrules - Dry or lubed or waxed?

    Dry and clean! Only wax in an emergency if they are very loose, which you shouldn't have a problem with. If they do loosen up considerably let me know and I can repair them.

    2. Cleaning after fishing - soap/detergent/clear water? Coat metal with anything?

    Just clear water. I dry and clean them off with my shirt after a day of fishing. Use a dry Qtip once in a while in the female to make sure there is no grit. Do not coat the metal with anything.

    The female ferrule comes with a ferrule plug that is attached to the rod sock. Be sure to put it into the ferrule when you are not using the rod (make sure it is dry inside before long term storage) and it will help keep out gunk and fuzz.

    3. Waxing or polishing the bamboo and reel seat? What to use? How often? Techniques?

    None is necessary. You could buff the reel seat with some 0000 steel wool once in a while to shine it up, but no wax or other finish is necessary. Don't put anything on the rod proper either. You can polish it up with a soft cloth after fishing, which is a good idea anyway as it dries the rod, but I wouldn't suggest waxing it.

    Your rod is impregnated so the cane is impervious to most anything, but I also put a couple of very thin coats of spar varnish to further protect it (and make it look pretty!). It also makes it so if there is ever any serious scratches or dings to the rod, it is easy to sand and re-coat the rod. You did say you wanted it to last forever...

    4. Polishing the metal fittings and ferrules? What to use? How often? Techniques?

    I bought a 'sunshine cloth' from Golden Witch that is used to polish metal and works great. But really any soft cloth will clean them just fine. The sunshine cloth will bring them back to a chrome-type finish if that is what you are going for, otherwise just keep them away form salt water and you'll be good.

    I would suggest simply drying and cleaning off the rod after every use with a soft cloth, including the metal parts, and that is really all that should be necessary.

    5. Rotate tips or save one as replacement?

    Well, you've got me on that one. I'd say it is up to you. Try them both to confirm that they have the same action (which they should!) and do whatever you feel like. I'd probably lean toward rotating, but for no particular reason.

    6. Storing - In tube? With desiccant? Vertical? Horizontal?

    For long term storage, keep the rod out of the tube hanging in a cool, dry place like the back of a closet. There is a hanging loop on the bag, so just pop a nail into the wall somewhere safe and let it be.

    Between fishing sessions, make sure the rod is dry and simply keep it propped up in a corner with the cap off of the tube. Put the rod sections into the sock large side down. For the butt that means grip side down, and for the tips, ferrule side down.

    The bottom line is you don't want to trap the rod inside of an airtight container with any moisture or you risk mold, which is bad.



  7. #7


    Here is a chart that will help for fly line designations. Try the Cortland sylk line on your rod if you can't find silk at a reasonable price.
    Line Size

    line weight DT WF
    No. 1 60 NA NA
    No. 2 80 NA NA
    No. 3 100 IFI IFG
    No. 4 120 HFH HFG
    No. 5 140 HEH HEG
    No. 6 160 HDH HDG
    No. 7 185 HCH HCF
    No. 8 210 GBG GBF
    No. 9 240 GAG GAF
    No. 10 280 G2AG G2AF
    No. 11 330 G3AG G3AF
    No. 12 380 G4AG G4AF

    Line Diameters
    A B C D E F G H I
    .060 .055 .050 .045 .040 .035 .030 .025 .022

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Canton, Ohio, USA


    Thanks everybody! You folks always step up when asked! Good advice...gives me a great start with bamboo.

    I'm going to contact a shop near Cleveland. I will be in touch if I can't get it fixed locally. Actually the rod was a gift from our own Dot Man...pretty nice, hunh?

    You won't see this until you return..hope your trip was super! I enjoyed the talk too...we'll talk soon again & one of these days, we've GOT to wet a line!

    I'll have to get that book too.
    FAOL..All about caring, sharing, & good friends!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Bloomfield, NJ, USA


    Leon Chandler wrote an excellent piece on fly lines for FAOL. Just what you were asking about. [url=http://www.flyanglersonline.com/features/readerscast/rc150.html:f428f]http://www.flyanglersonline.com/features/readerscast/rc150.html[/url:f428f]

    Knowledge is power ? Nam et ipsa scientia potestas est.
    ? Francis Bacon (1561-1626)

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Bloomfield, NJ, USA


    Some more:

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