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Thread: Tiers Needed

  1. #1

    Default Tiers Needed

    Let me introduce myself my name is Rick Federation. Some know me from this site and many do not. I am getting back into guiding and in the process of getting our website up and going. But I have learned from the past and realize I can?t do all it myself. I am going to be needing tiers, rod builders, net builders and people wanting to sell fish art on the site. The site should be up and running by mid May.
    For tiers I will initially need two maybe three to work part time maybe one order per week at first. But as we grow in size and orders we may have to take on more tiers. We will not be tying so many trout flies because just about everyone sells trout flies. We are looking to sell more bass, carp, panfish, pike, salt and tube flies oh and custom work. So don't go and quit your day job but like some of you may know you will be able to pay off your materials with a little profit on the side. And please don't start sending me samples. What I will do as time gets closer I will post again about it and I will say for instance Tie up 4 different bass patterns of your liking and send me some pics of the flies and a bio about yourself and from those I will pick a few to send me samples. Then if I like what I see we will arrange a time to talk on the phone and go from there.
    Rod builders I will again just need a couple to build. When I guided before many, many times a client wanted to get a nice little rod and always asked about the custom ones I had on hand. I bet I could have sold 20 or more a year. When the time gets a little closer I will set some parameters and have you send me lots of pics and a bio on yourself then we will go from that point onward.
    Any aspiring net builders out there looking to sell a net or two? Same format as above.
    How about you aspiring artists out there this would be a great way to sell some custom fish mugs, paintings, carvings etc??.
    This post is to see if there is much if any interest in doing this. A more detailed email will post down the road depending on interest. Any initial thoughts?
    Tight Lines & Wet Nets

    Rick Federation

  2. #2


    Someone to make leaders also.
    Tight Lines & Wet Nets

    Rick Federation

  3. #3


    How about furled leaders?

  4. #4


    Thats what I was refering to.
    Tight Lines & Wet Nets

    Rick Federation

  5. #5



    How big would the orders of flies be? Are we talking a couple dozen, tens of dozens?



  6. #6


    Depends when I did this before some weeks it would be nothing others would be just a dozen assorted and other weeks It would be an order for 10 dozen. Whoever decides they want to do this with me can pick the orders they want to do or pass on them. Thats one reason I want more then one tier helping out. Plus tier a may only do saltwater flies and tier b only spins deer hair patterns. But overall I'm sure it will start off slow and we can grow together and add tiers as we need them.
    Tight Lines & Wet Nets

    Rick Federation

  7. #7


    I sent you a pm with my email address. contact me as I would like to try and make a few bucks with my furled leaders.
    I make them out of Berkly 2# &4# vanish for nymphs in lengths of 5' (for shorter rods),6' 6" and 7' 6". I use a 10/8/6 taper which triples the test strength.
    I also make them out of Coats & Clark .005 clear Nylon as well as 6/0 Uni tying thread.
    There is about a dollars worth of material in the fluorocarbon leaders and a few cents in the nylon or thread.
    As they are looped on each end I have found the Castwell Knot holds very well as I have broken off several flys on rocks/trees with 4X tippets and not loose the leader/line connection.
    Hope I can be of some help.

  8. #8


    Jack sent pm
    Tight Lines & Wet Nets

    Rick Federation

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Somewhere in Iowa

    Default Tiers Needed

    Rick, I sent you a PM last night.

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