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Thread: salmon flies

  1. #1

    Default salmon flies

    I was wondering if some one here could point me in the direction of getting the recipe for tying the "pot-bellied pig" style of salmon fly. They look simple but effective. Thanks. Ron

  2. #2



    That seems to be a hard one to find. I did find this on flyfishingu.net:

    Peter Whittingham
    Atlantic Salmon Fishing

    Peter Whittingham is traveling across the big pond to share with us his over 50 years experience as one of the most respected ghillies in Scotland. Peter has guided for Atlantic Salmon on the River Ness system in addition to The Outer Hebrides, Norway, Brazil, Finland, among others. His Pot Belly Pig Fly is fast becoming the leading salmon and sea trout fly in Europe. Often referenced in the UK magazine, Trout and Salmon, as one of Europe's top authorities on Atlantic Salmon fishing, Peter will be on hand and have some exciting presentations on Atlantic Salmon Fishing, Tying the Pot Belly Pig, Simpler Spey Castng, and to assist fly fisherman in planning trips outside of the States. We are proud to have Peter make his first appearance in the US and hope it won't be his last.
    Trout don't speak Latin.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Fredericton, NB, Canada

    Default What is it worth????

    Hi Rel,

    I have/had the pattern for both Black Boars and Pot Belly Pigs, after months and months of hunting I found it on Goole UK. I have it in a Word document on a CD somewhere, will try to find it. I have not had time to try them yet, but got all the stuff to do it. I also picked up a couple off ebay for patterns, they are quite nice, need to do some for this summer.


  4. #4


    Yes please share i need some for the salmon fly hatch's here in alberta

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Amstelveen, The Netherlands


    ===================== You have a Friend in Low Places ======================
    Hans Weilenmann, The Netherlands
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  6. #6


    Thanks to all for the help. Now all I have to do is tie some up. Ron

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Fredericton, NB, Canada

    Default Hopefully not to late...

    I knew I had it, just had to find it... At the bottom is the pattern for the Black Boar, another hard to find one.

    I got it off a website that credits T&S magazine...




    Pot Belly Pig
    Thread: Red
    Tail: 6 boar bristles, 3-4 strands pearl tinsel & bunch of orange bucktail.
    Rear hackle: Orange cock
    Body: Orange Antron
    Body hackle: Black cock
    Rib: Oval gold
    Cheeks: Jungle cock.

    Tie in boar bristles so they curve upwards. I like them about 1.5 times the body length. Then the pearl tinsel about the same length and the bucktail a little shorter.

    Tie in a large orange hackle, wind about 3 turns and tie fibres in to slope back. Tie in oval ribbing tinsel.

    Tie in body material (I actually use seal fur rather than antron, but that's because I don't have any antron. I'm sure any old wool of the right colour would do). Wind forwards, aiming for a slightly carrot shaped body (with the fat end at the rear).

    Tie in a large black cock hackle at the head and wind backwards. Wind the ribbing tinsel forwards in the opposite direction to secure it. I make a couple of turns at the beginning to make sure the hackle is secure and to give the fly a small tag.

    Tie in jungle cock eyes a little splayed out sideways and sloping backwards. Finish head with clear varnish. Clearly you can adapt this using different colours for different seasons or as the fancy takes you.

    The Black Boar is essentially just a colour variation of the Allys Shrimp, but with the addition of boar bristles. The recipe as given in T&S is as follows:

    Thread: Black
    Tag: Silver tinsel.
    Tail: Three boar bristles dyed ruby red, a few strands of bucktail & two strands of orange crystal hair.
    Body Flat silver tinsel.
    Rib: Oval silver tinsel.
    Throat: small pinch of black squirrel
    Wing: Black squirrel, three strands orange mirror flash & GP tippet dyed ruby red
    Hackle: Black hen.
    Head: Red varnish.

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