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Thread: Another casting Question.....a wall

  1. #1

    Default Another casting Question.....a wall

    Been working on my casting....no fishing to do here....

    I seem to have hit a wall at about 60+ feet..[with 5wt and 6wt rods]...[WF lines]....I think I can throw a good loop...[not always consistently]...and I think the double haul is not too bad but I suppose could be better.

    Is there such a thing as "hitting the wall" in fly casting....where everything has to be almost perfect to gain more distance?

    I see these videos where 90ft of line is shot seemingly effortlessly....a thing of beauty

    Unfortunately there's no one around here that can help me...it's getting frustrating...

    I enjoy casting for casting's sake so we don't need to get into all the stuff about where to catch fish... and yes accuracy is part of casting...etc.

    Anyone have any suggestions .... I feel like I'm just wasting time.

  2. #2


    Sure, drive to Roseburg, I'll show you !

    Short of that, try the 6 wt line on the 5 wt rod for starters. You never know. Reason I say is I used to stick with line wt recommendations but I got my spools mixed up and wound up with a 4wt line on a 3wt Sage. Z claims I was casting 90 ft at Rocky Ford Creek. I do know the Sage loaded much easier with the 4wt than with the 3wt.



  3. #3


    got a camcorder / digital video recorder ....... set it up where your fly line would have a good contrast to the background. And have at it.

    I know what you mean on the brick wall though. I touch 80ft with the 9wt and ........... kaplooie - nada foot more. Even marking the fly line and shooting line past the 80 mark - Uh-Uh.

    I think part of it is mental (floor's open there) - the other part, I haven't figgured out.

    I target a hoola-hoop, a tree stump, between sticks, around sticks,and under a 2x4 about 3ft off the ground. Might look silly to some - but then again, I hardly notice if anyone is watching.


  4. #4


    That wall is a good thing. Fondly remembered as you approach the next one... and the one after that... and after that...!
    Really, in almost everything done that requires effort or practice, the walls come and when you surpass them you're on to the next level! If that wall hangs around too long though seek out a coach!

  5. #5


    Thanks for the responses.

    Came across this ....seems like a good discussion and seems to me addresses the issue too.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    fortwalton beach,florida usa


    What have you been trying, to bust thru this imaginery wall, other than just getting fustrated. Have you checked your grip, have you tryed to hold a bit more line in the air. Perhaps your throwing too hard thinking that is whats called for to throw a longer line. Have you gone back to the basics in an effort to find were your over looking some small piece of the puzzle that isnt working for you. Personaly I dont think your going to find the answer at 60 ft; its more likely your going to find the answer at between 25 and 40ft. I say that because thats were your less likely to be intimadated and thus more relaxed and able to concentrate on the small details. Its easier to work on loop control, experiment with timeing an gain better feel of the double haul. Without ever haveing seen or spoken to you, I bet you added the double haul without makeing much change to your rod speed, loop design, or general over all stroke pattern. Thoes little details are were walls come from. Which arent walls at all but reather more like post-it notes reminding you that the way forward maybe to back up and get a better perspective on the road ahead.
    Capt. Paul Darby Dont wait to be ask, get out and teach.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    oregon usa


    good question. The other day I bonked out some 80 foot casts for the very first time. This was on the McKenzie. I always cast better with my Scott A 6 wt., but that day was special. I am thinking of buying more of these rods in different weights and selling my other non-Scott rods. So, it might be the rod that suits me just so because I cast better with it than any of my others. Also, I am hesitating on the backstroke just a bit more and I can feel the rod load when I bring it forward.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by MontanaMoose
    Sure, drive to Roseburg, I'll show you !

    Short of that, try the 6 wt line on the 5 wt rod for starters. You never know. Reason I say is I used to stick with line wt recommendations but I got my spools mixed up and wound up with a 4wt line on a 3wt Sage. Z claims I was casting 90 ft at Rocky Ford Creek. I do know the Sage loaded much easier with the 4wt than with the 3wt.


    Casting NINETY Feet At Rocky Ford?
    It's only SIX feet across!!
    You weren't casting to a Sage Grouse were you?
    I'm just joking of course, I know there are some wide places.
    If Ducksterman is coming to your house then I'll hitch a ride with him so I can see your Otter.
    Enjoying the joys of others and suffering with them- these are the best guides for man. A.E.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2005


    I think we all "hit the wall" when we learn a new physical skill. You stated you don't consistantly cast a nice tight loop. Keep practicing and get that loop consistant then add the Double Haul without a good loop your double haul is adding speed to mistakes. Get the loop the best you can then practice adding the haul you'll see results.Try hanging a hoola hoop from a tree and instead of casting at it as a target practice casting your loop through it that might help tighten you up.Also if your trying to hold 40-50' of line out of the tip of the rod try going down 1 line size instead of up.Remember a rod is rated for a 30' length of line
    Now I need to ask where are you fishing that you need to cast more than 60' with 5 wt gear to catch fish.


  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by ducksterman
    Thanks for the responses.

    Came across this ....seems like a good discussion and seems to me addresses the issue too.
    I'm ...I forgot to put in the link...but I got some good responses from both coasts just by bumping ...Capt. Paul... I'm going back....Gardenfish maybe you are letting the backcast straighten out...Doug

    http://www.flyfishsaltwaters.com/fly_ca ... effort.htm

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