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Thread: What book would you recommend?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Central Kentucky

    Default What book would you recommend?

    HI Rod Builders on FAOL,

    I am interested in building a fly rod. Actually I?m interested in ?learning? if I want to build a fly rod, and that is the reason for the title post. I plan on jumping out of the rat race next winter, and I?m not big about sitting on my duff. I have been thinking about building a rod for some time and next winter may just be the perfect time. So would like to ask your assistance.

    Is there a book out there that would walk me through the steps of ?graphite? rod building? It probably wouldn?t hurt if the book followed along the lines of ?Rod Building for Dummies? or something like that.

    I get Cabelas Tackle Craft and if one can believe the back side of the front cover, rod building is a "no brainer." Well it may be?.. but I feel there is more to it than that, to get the results I am looking for. If I?m going to do this I want to get to the point that I can equal or exceed factory standards.

    I have 3 grandsons that will need a rod or two in about 7 or 8 years, and I would really like to build them myself. If this is as much fun and satisfying as I think it will be, I would like to get a few rods under my belt and then try something a little fancy.

    I?ve got a million questions but don?t want to flood this BB with all that at this point. A good book recommended by one of you experienced rod builders would be a great start.

    Thanks in advance for any help that is provided.

    Bob T.

    PS> I?m going to start a ?word doc? with all my questions and then when some "brave - rod building - soul" volunteers to answer my questions I?ll hit them all at once.

    ~~~ Fly Fish the Cumberland, it will make you live longer.~~~

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Tomball, TX USA


    don't know if you've seen this yet... but this is what I am using to build a rod sitting in my garage right now...

    http://www.flyanglersonline.com/begin/g ... index.html

  3. #3


  4. #4


    Colt45 nailed it with Al Campbells work..good stuff, easy reading great direction. follow what he says and you can get the basics down pretty quickly.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Little Rock AR, wishing I was still in Anchorage, AK


    save yourself some money read what is on foal about rod building and ask all the questions you want on the BB.

    I have never read a book or took a class its not hard, seriously its not hard.
    My suggestion is if you want a book or something would be to get the rod building kit from hook and hackle with the vidio and instructions, along with all the stuff you need to build a rod.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Central Kentucky


    Thanks folks, this is some great feedback and direction for sure. I'll print out all the stuff you recommend and go through it.

    (Is there really a Rod Building Book for Dummies, or is that a joke?)

    Let's assume that I definitely will build several rods, AND please give me a pass if I don't use the correct buzz words below.

    Here is my first question; if I plan on building several rods, would it be better to buy a Wrapper and dryer right up front, or give the box and phone book a try first?

    2nd: Do the kits have "ALL" that is needed to build a rod? I'm sure all the parts are there, but is there enough glue, thread, paste, tape, etc. In other words: If I mess up and have to throw out some wrapping thread, is there extra to cover goofs?

    3rd: Is it better to go with the kits or buy components? I'm guessing a kit for a newbie.

    I'll look through the material suggested and hit you all with more questions I'm sure.

    Thanks for your help so far.


    ~~~ Fly Fish the Cumberland, it will make you live longer.~~~

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Tomball, TX USA


    Quote Originally Posted by rst
    Here is my first question; if I plan on building several rods, would it be better to buy a Wrapper and dryer right up front, or give the box and phone book a try first?

    2nd: Do the kits have "ALL" that is needed to build a rod? I'm sure all the parts are there, but is there enough glue, thread, paste, tape, etc. In other words: If I mess up and have to throw out some wrapping thread, is there extra to cover goofs?

    3rd: Is it better to go with the kits or buy components? I'm guessing a kit for a newbie.
    ok to answer your questions... I built a little wooden rod holder that I will use to do my drying/wrapping... scraps I had laying around... I'd wait to see if oyu get the itch to do lots, then invest...

    the hook and hackle kit has it all... I cant imagine using all the epoxy in there... I guess if you build like 10 rods, you'd need more of the epoxy... there is 100 yards of nylon wrapping thread on the spool... you'd have to screw up a BUNCH to need another one... and the guides are nice, nothing special, but what you'd expect in a newbie rod building kit... you can get nicer stuff there... but being my first build, it didnt make sense to go for the expensive components... it came with an uplocking reel seat and a cork handle... as well as tiptop adhesive, wrap sealer/epoxy, brushes and a winding check for the handle... LOTS of stuff... plenty of extras to build your first, and probably second and third rods... (if you order a blank, seat, handle, winding check, and guides)

    I guess I answered question 3 above...

  8. #8


    I taught myself how to build a rod soley on the Al Cambell articles.

  9. #9


    I like how nobody even bothered to answer this guy's question.

    flyrod building made easy by art sheck will cover everything you'll need to know. the book is excellent and easy to follow. plus it only runs about $25. well worth the investment. highly recommended if you want to get into assembling rods. it is easy to do as well.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Little Rock AR, wishing I was still in Anchorage, AK


    Quote Originally Posted by rst
    Here is my first question; if I plan on building several rods, would it be better to buy a Wrapper and dryer right up front, or give the box and phone book a try first?
    My opinion would be to get a rod dryer
    you can pick a cheap one up on Ebay for cheap Around $30 or build one for cheaper if you can.

    You can build a rod without one, but if you are using flexcoat rod finish it takes 6-8hrs for it to dry so you would have to turn the rod buy hand for 4 maby 5 hrs. So a rod dryer would be nice so you can SET IT AND FORGET IT (sorry thats from a bad infomercial)

    Now about the wraper its not necessary for your fist rod

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