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Thread: great cristmas gift

  1. #1

    Default great cristmas gift

    well i just got a package from my dad in northern idaho so i open it up and he has sent me a 9 wt wide arbor pfluger saltwater fly reel that has a built in drag !and a 8 wt cabales (sp ) rod and reel combo both are all ready spooled up now the only thind i need to do is figure out how to make it right handed instead of left handed ( and learn how to cast the damn thing ) so i'll be out in the yard till dark

  2. #2


    Go get 'em reload and hey, look at the instructions for the reels and you may find that they are easily reversed to right handed. Can I ask if that means you want the crank on the left or the right as you hold the rod? I'm right handed and I want the crank on the left, which doesn't seem to be traditional but also seems to make more sense to me. Let me know if I've totally confused you now. Good on your dad too !

    Merry Christmas,


  3. #3


    MM..."which doesn't seem to be traditional"....as someone who likes it on the right...I feel like a minority...I think you are "traditional"....and also more logical....but I'm too old to change

  4. #4


    if i'm holding the rod i want the reel handle on the left side cause i cast( or try to) with my ro in my right hand

  5. #5


    Hello duckster, well I've noticed that fly reels seem to bet set up with the crank on the right from the factory...and when I found out they could be changed, I changed mine to the left because I figured that way I din't have to change the rod to my left hand to work the crank...and I've never looked back...yep, kinda made sense to have it on the same side as a right handers spinning reel crank !

    Happy Holidays !


  6. #6


    Ok, that's how I like the reel set up also reload..so all you have to do now is find out if it can be changed so it cranks from the left side...allowing line to be pulled from the reel through the line guide and from the bottom of the reel as you look down on it. The idea here being that one doesn't have to cast with their right hand and then change hands to work the crank to retrieve line/play a trout. I would think a lefthander would want it set up with the crank on the right for the same reasons. Hope I'm not ruining your day ! :))

    Merry Christmas,


  7. #7


    you are going to have to pull all the line and backing off when you switch the directions and re-spool it (if I am reading this right)

    Casey Key Anglers and Outfitters
    Venice, Florida

  8. #8


    do i want the line coming from the spool closer to the rod seat or from the side away from the rod seat?

  9. #9


    The side away from the reel seat.

  10. #10


    well i met kevin and tony tonite at the shop tokk them about 20 minutes and i'm now casting double of what i was before thanks again guys and i'll see tony next tues nite

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