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Thread: advice please

  1. #1

    Default advice please

    Hello first and foremost to all, this is my first post on FAOL, BB so if I have placed it in the wrong catergory please forgive me. I am from Wales in the U.K and have just booked a trip to fish in Montana next June, I have done a little fly-fishing in the US (Maryland)but next year decided to do it properly and get some guided fishing, this is my part of my problem how much is a guides gratuity (tip???), I don't want to embaress myself by not rewarding him/her correctly so any advice from you guys would be grateful. Also some advice on the "salmon fly" which I gather will be prevolent on the streams would be helpful too, many thanks Richie.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Harrisburg, PA


    Dear Richie,

    It has been my experience that typical rules for gratuities apply to guides as well and a tip in the range of 15 to 20% of the cost of the trip is customary.

    Keep in mind that the tip is supposed to be earned and you may feel based on what you experience on your guided trip that a bit more money or a bit less is more appropriate.

    I apologize, but I can't help you on the salmon fly hatch. I'm sure if you search the archives on this FAOL website you should be able to turn up some useful information.

    Best Wishes,

  3. #3


    Hello and welcome RichieB, google these words: salmon fly hatch montana and you'll get more information than you'll ever be able to absorb !

    Cheers for the


  4. #4


    Richie -

    A tip of $50 to $100 is common, which ranges from a bit lower to a bit higher than the 15-20% range already mentioned.

    Also, don't know where in Montana you're going but I assume you are aware that in June there is a significant potential for high water, and/or difficulty in matching your scheduled trip date with the actual salmon fly hatch period.


  5. #5


    Thanks for the advice chaps, going to be fishing June 10th through to the 16th on the Bitterroot, Blackfoot and the Clarkfork Rivers, so hoping there wont be too much high water. Plus never fished from a moving boat on a river before, don't it on the lakes back here in Blighty, any hints?.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    neither here nor there


    Probably not what you had in mind, but ...
    Wear a good wide brimmed hat, sunblock, sunglasses, and a life vest! You'll want to finish the entire trip!
    Trouts don't live in ugly places.

    A friend is not who knows you the longest, but the one who came and never left your side.

    Don't look back, we ain't goin' that way.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Havre, MT, USA



    If you're fishing with a guide then they should provide all the flies you need to use. If the guide is really good he'll know what to use where on each stretch of water you float. I'd be cautious of any guide that is going to ask that you provide your own flies. If you simply want to use some you tied up for the trip, then I'd ask the guide if he minds if you tie up some of the more popular flies he uses to use on that trip.

    As far as what to tip...well, on a trip to Mexico I had such a good guide I tipped him the amount of the trip. Then, on the other end of the spectrum, I tipped a guy 10% because he was a complete schmuck. I base it on how hard they work to get me fish, how personable they are, how good a time I have. I don't base it on how many fish I catch. I've had days on my home water where I've caught litterally 100 fish and then next time nothing on the same stretch, so that doesn't really matter to me and it's not the guides fault if the fish arent' biting, although they should always be able to get you into a few. Be your own judge on how much to tip.

    One more thing, be honest to the guide on how experienced you are at flyfishing. He'll adjust his technique according to how experienced you are, and if you tell him you are experienced, and you're not, it'll only make you look bad and cause him endless frustration in trying to get you into fish.

    I hope this helps a little, you've definately chosen some first class water to fish.

    Tight lines,


  8. #8



    The salmon fly hatch is amazing. I love to fish it here in Oregon. Looking it up on google is a good bet to get a basic like history and photos. Every year when the hatch is thich it makes me think of the plague of locust from the bible... huge bugs everywhere, including all over you. They really like to crawl up your neck as soon as you hook a fish. But they are harmless and rather attractive.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2000
    Stamford, CT,USA


    Hi Ritchie

    You can "Hope" for not too much water on your trip to western MT, But--you are highy probable going to hit the Peak snow pack run-off with your scheduled June dates with the rivers blown out. I would suggest deferring a month.

    See historical flow rates on your planned rivers at:


    Good luck

  10. #10

    Default mt trip

    I'm not sure about the Salmon fly hatch on the rivers that you mentioned, but for the area around here the hatch comes off nearer to the end of June. It varies almost every year when it happens.


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