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Thread: Telkwa Stonefly Nymph

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    St. Marys County MD

    Default Telkwa Stonefly Nymph

    If anyone can find a pattern for this fly, it will be greatly appreiciated. i have looked all over and all i can find is pictures, but no step by steps, or even just recipes.....


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    silicon valley, usa


    When I Googled for the fly, I found several fairly different patterns. Which one do you want to tie? Post a link to the pic and odds are somebody here can create a reasonable recipe by staring at the fly.

    The ones I saw seemed to have a pair of biots at each end, thick coarsely dubbed bodies, long soft hackles for the legs and a wing case (which helps push the hackles from above to point down below or you can trim them for that effect).

    A TMC 200R hook in your desired size might work.

    Tail and antennae are biots (different pics had different colors...use what matched your local nymphs). I'd try tying the one near the hook eye in last so they're not in the way the rest of the time.

    For simplicity's sake, you could try acrylic yarn for the body. Or dub with your favorite coarse dubbing.

    Tie on the wing case, tie in and wrap the hackle that will become the legs, tie in the biots near the nymph's head, fold over the wing case, whip finish or add some double half hitches.

    Then again, I'm about as far from an expert (or even seriously experienced) tyer as you can get...but that's how I would approach trying to clone that fly for myself.

    If it doesn't work, it'll probably be close enough to let you guess where it's wrong.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    silicon valley, usa


    Here's one of the pics of that fly that I looked at to write the info above:

    http://www.bcadventure.com/adventure/an ... lkwany.gif

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    St. Marys County MD


    yes thwack, thats the fly i was looking at, and the only thing i couldnt figure out were the legs. they look too limp to be hackle, even soft wetfly hackle. if you look closely at them in the pic, you can see that they sag to touch the surface that the fly is resting on.... o well i found a much better pattern to tie: http://groups.msn.com/TheFlyFishingBug/ ... 3476688599

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2004
    McMinnville, OR, USA



    I tie a nymph almost identical to the one in your link. I actually prefer it to a Kaufmann stone.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    St. Marys County MD


    well the one in my link wasnt a kaufmann stone, but i dont like the kaufmann's cuz they dont have legs. i like mine to have legs. i think the one in my link is just a pattern that guy who's page is made up.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2004
    McMinnville, OR, USA


    I meant I like the nymph in your link better than a Kaufmann, for the same reason you do, legs. I've been tying them like that for quite a few years.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    silicon valley, usa


    The legs on the pic you posted look like a single chunk of a feather. If you snip the tip of a feather off and look at what's left, you'll see what I'm talking about.

    Snip again down below and use the resulting chunk for your one-piece legs.

    You'll want a wee bit of the stem left on each end to make it easier to tie it in.

    That's what it looks like to me anyways. Much easier than wrapping hackle, just pull the barbules straight out to the side, snip the end, snip a few barbules along the stem from each end...

    After you've tied on the abdomen, tie the wing case (pointing towards the barb end), tie in the stem that was the top of the feather onto the thorax area (with the feather pointed back) then tie the thorax, fold the feather chunk forward to create the legs, tie off the end near the hook's eye, fold the wing case foward, tie it off...

    If that's not clear, let me know and I'll try again (and see if maybe I can create a picture or two during the holiday break).

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