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Thread: Nor-Vise Advice Needed

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Cape Coral, Florida, USA

    Default Nor-Vise Advice Needed

    Fellow Tyers,

    I've been considering going rotary for a while now, particularly full rotary, and as luck would have it, recently found a great deal on the big auction site for a brand new Nor-vise including the travel case, video and bobbin kit. Got the whole shebang for less than what the vise alone usually goes for so I just couldn't pass it up. In fact, Big brown Santa will be here any day now and I'm psyched to give the Nor-vise a spin (sorry).

    I know some of you are Nor-vise users so I'd very much appreciate your comments about which jaws you use for different sizes/styles of flies. It comes with the regular jaws and I wonder if I should order the offset fine points. And if so, would a larger arbor also be helpful? I tie mostly trout-size stuff (rarely smaller than 20), but occasionally have the need to tie some SW flies as well as larger freshwater. My question for those with the standard jaws, "Do they hinder you when tying small flies?"

    The automatic bobbin may take some getting used to, but it doesn't look like rocket surgery so I'm sure I'll be able to get the hang of it.

    Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions.

    Have a safe and very Merry Christmas,

  2. #2



    I cannot comment on the nor-vise, but the bobbin is first rate. I have two along with a dozen spools and a couple of arbors for winding on the thread to the spools. The bobbin is very easy to use and I would suggest winding your thread around one of the arms to control tension. I usually wind nonwaxed thread around the arm 2 or 3 times and for waxed threads I just wind once, may be twice. It took me about 3-5 sessions with the bobbin before I got the automatic takeup feature down (slack reduction). I hardly use standard bobbins anymore since going to the automatic bobbin.
    Trout don't speak Latin.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Lakeland, FL USA


    Congratulations on your purchase. I used to use a Regal then a DynaKing Barracuda, but when I tried the Nor-vise, I sold the other two and have never looked back. I realy enjoy the Nor-vise system with the retractable bobbins. Once you get used to the bobbins, it's a bit of a hassle to go back to using a standard bobbin. Sort of like going from automatic windows in your car back the the wind up. They both accomplish the same thing, but it sure is easier with a button. I use the standard size jaws and I usually tie from 18 up to 5/0 comfortably. If I were you, I use it the way it is and then determine if you need the smaller jaws for your very small flies. Great vise that will give you many, many years of tying enjoyment.

    Jim Smith

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Carmel, ME USA


    My wife, VEE, ties on a Nor-Vise with the bobbins and loves it. She uses the standard jaws for salmon and steelhead flies, down to size 20 dry flies. She uses the offset tiny jaws when tying size 22 and smaller.

    Happiness is wading boots that never have a chance to dry out.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 1999
    Milwaukie, OR, USA


    I use the fine point jaws for tiny and huge (10/0 +). When I sell the vise, I reccomend just buying it with the fine point jaws and a large rear hub. It's all you need.
    Happy Trails!


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Cape Coral, Florida, USA


    Jim, Ron and Ronn,

    Thanks so much for your input. You've answered all my initial concerns. Once that puppy gets here I'm sure I'll be bugging you guys again... so stay tuned.

    Thanks again,

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Cape Coral, Florida, USA



    Thank you as well. I sure didn't mean to ignore your significant input about the Nor-bobbins. I don't know if I'll ever get the hang of this new BB format.
    Although I find it much easier to read now, I guess I'm just an old dog trying to learn new tricks when it comes to posting here.

    Sorry... and thanks again,

  8. #8


    Just don't use waxed mono with the bobbin or it will plug on every other fly.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by greyfox

    Thank you as well. I sure didn't mean to ignore your significant input about the Nor-bobbins. I don't know if I'll ever get the hang of this new BB format.
    Although I find it much easier to read now, I guess I'm just an old dog trying to learn new tricks when it comes to posting here.

    Sorry... and thanks again,
    greyfox, no problem. Keep us posted on how you like the vise. I have watched a few tyers at sports shows use one and I am amazed at the speed at which they tie.
    Trout don't speak Latin.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Cape Coral, Florida, USA


    Well, the Nor-vise is now in my possession. Got it set up and watched the DVD a couple times to get familiar with its nuances. This is REALLY a beautifully engineered piece of equipment. The standard cam jaws are amazing, holding everything from 1/0 (the biggest I had to try) down to 26 (the smallest). So simple, yet very effective. I couldn't be more pleased.

    Also love the automatic bobbin. Took just a couple minutes to load the spools using the arbor and the vise. Might be faster with an electric drill, but still plenty fast. No problem at all getting them loaded or oriented correctly in the bobbin holder. Took just a few minutes to get the hang of extending the thread a few extra inches to disengage the clutch, then moving the bobbin back to working distance before cutting the thread. Several poster here and on other sites were having difficulty with the Nor-bobbins. Being a belt-and-suspenders kind of guy, I ordered an Ekich bobbin just in case. But now that I know how well the Nor-bobbins work, I might soon have an Ekich for sale to finance a couple more Nors.

    Bottom line, the whole system works so well and makes such good sense that I'm left wondering , "Why didn't I think of that?"
    Thanks again for your collective knowledge and advice.

    Blessings of the holiday to you and yours,

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