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Thread: Czech nymphing videos

  1. #1

    Default Czech nymphing videos

    I want to give Czech nymphing a try next season. I have found multiple articles (including a couple here on FAOl) on the flies and techniques. Unfortunately, I'm more of a visual learner, are there any videos that demonstrate this technique?



  2. #2


    If you give me a few days, I'll post a video from an event we're filming tonight. We have two members of the US fly fishing team doing a presentation on the techniques and flies used. It won't be "on the water", but it should at least help visualize things a bit more. I'm going to (hopefully) record the evening and make it available for download online. I'll keep you posted...

    In the spring, we'll probably post something more on the water.

  3. #3
    Normand Guest

    Default Re: Czech nymphing videos

    Quote Originally Posted by Alberto
    I want to give Czech nymphing a try next season. I have found multiple articles (including a couple here on FAOl) on the flies and techniques. Unfortunately, I'm more of a visual learner, are there any videos that demonstrate this technique?


    Have you tried GOOGLE?

    Type in the search box "czech nymphing" and click on "Videos" above the search box. There should be some results.

    I've been seeing fly fishing videos on www.youtube.com. Its worth a try!

  4. #4


    Czech Nymphs have thin Abdomen & Thorax. The weight should be flatten to ribbon shape, from the tube shape. The reason for this is thinner weight wraps, and less thread wraps to secure weight wraps (thread will not slip between wraps, as it does if weight remained tube shaped).

    Shrimp/Scud hook is used.

    Easy does it with the dubbing, dubbing should be sparse to a gossamer consistency before applying to thread.

    Two tone the body, abdomen lighter shade of dubbing, then thorax.

    Clear Shell-back, with Sharpie Pen to color over Thorax portion of Shell-back. Use Color of wing for sharpie pen color of shell-back over thorax area (reference to pattern recipe further down in this posting).

    Thin wire or very small diameter tippet material for ribbing. Which end as the front of the Abdomen.

    You can add a "Hot Spot" between the Abdomen and Thorax, if you wish to (red yellow, orange).

    Since these Czech Nymphs are suppose to represent Caddisflies, the body size and coloration, should be appropriate to the specie of adult caddisfly it represents
    [url=http://www.flyanglersonline.com/bb/viewtopic.php?t=13723:b60fd](see Czech Nymphs & Net Spinning Caddis)[/url:b60fd] for family name size and separate posting regarding recipes at bottom of postings, that I posted.

    Weight wrap starts 2/3 back on the hook shank, wrapped forward, then reversed half way on the weight wrap. This will give the dressed hook a perfect balance for presentation in the water. The weight wrap will also aid the constructing the proper taper to the flies body shape.

    Use an example from the recipe on the referred to posting, in regards to the Green Caddisfly dry fly recipe.

    Green Czech Nymph
    Hook: Shrimp/Scud, #14,#16,#18.
    Weight: Flatten non-lead weight.
    Thread: Black, 8/0.
    Ribbing: 0.006 tippet.
    Shell-back: Clear strip.
    Abdomen: Medium Olive Green dubbing.
    Hot Spot: Yellow, Red, or Orange dubbing (Optional).
    Thorax: Olive Green dubbing.
    Wing-case (portion over thorax): Brown.
    Hackle: Brown (brown hen or brown partridge).

    Tying tip: You can reduce bulk, by tying in the scud-back at the beginning, and use the material to secure the ribbon weight wrap to the hook, secure at the rear, and use later for the shell back.

    The only problem I have with the Czech Nymph Fly, is the name. Caddis are never "Nypmh's"! They are either Larva (worm), Pupa, or Adult! That is why they referred to as "Caddisflies", not
    Caddis Flies"!

  5. #5

    Default Re: Czech nymphing videos

    Quote Originally Posted by Normand
    Have you tried GOOGLE?

    Type in the search box "czech nymphing" and click on "Videos" above the search box. There should be some results.

    I've been seeing fly fishing videos on www.youtube.com. Its worth a try!
    I googled Czech nymphs and found this:

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Auckland New Zealand


    Ahh but does she fish?

  7. #7



    I probably should have been more specific with my post. Tying the flies is not a problem, I'm looking more for the fishing setup and fishing techniques. I've read a few articles on how to fish Czech nymphs but none of them really got into the techniques and how to setup your leader.

    I did a Google search last night and found an Oliver Edwards DVD that is all about Czech nymphing. It was on the amazon.uk website, I'll try to find it from a US website so that it is in NTSC format as opposed to PAL.



  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Pomona, Cailf.

    Default Czech style fishing?

    I don't want to knock Czech nymphing but quite a few years back I learned the same style of fishing after watching one of Joe Humphrey videos on nymphing. In my opinion the only differnce is you just add more flys. I have long lost the tape and cannot remember it's name. Try to find this video it will be a great help in your quest for learning Czech nymphing. Later.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Czech style fishing?

    Quote Originally Posted by flyster101
    I don't want to knock Czech nymphing but quite a few years back I learned the same style of fishing after watching one of Joe Humphrey videos on nymphing. In my opinion the only differnce is you just add more flys. I have long lost the tape and cannot remember it's name. Try to find this video it will be a great help in your quest for learning Czech nymphing. Later.
    I've seen a few of Joe's videos but nothing that resembles Czech/Polish nymphing.
    Using a 18-32 gr. fly as a point or middle fly, a lighter nymph 20" or so from it, 10' rod and the same length leader as the rod, you throw upstream, pull a little faster than the current and hang on. There is no false casting, just pull up on the swing and lob it back upstream.

  10. #10


    Czech nymphing, Polish nymphing, and Spanish nymphing styles are all loosly connected to the style of nymphing Joe Humphreys is doing in his video.

    The major exception with the Polish / Czech style is that you keep your line slightly off the water sweeping the tip along with the line at about the same speed as the bubbles. If you see "any" tick of the line you set the hook.

    The Polish / Czech styles were created to fish for European grayling which take the fly very quickly and very lightly in fast water. However the method is very effective for trout on free stone rivers where the current is fast and deep.

    John Wilson
    US Fly Fishing Team

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