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Thread: been a ruff season, so what have you lost

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Lakeland, FL USA



    With that kind of luck, it's a good thing you're not into skydiving

    Look at it this way, you have several reasons to get new equipment.

    I hope your luck improves qucikly.

    Jim Smith

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Bonneau, SC USA



    Couple of years back, I lost a boat, motor, trolling motor, two trolling batteries and three rods, reels, and lines.
    Last year, I lost a 2 wt, reel, and new line
    while kayaking. This year, I have lost 4
    flies thus far to trees and that is where I
    currently stand. I'm confident that it will
    be a good year however and have high hopes
    for finding stuff instead of losing it.*G*
    Warm regards, Jim

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Upper midwest


    Some bozo lost an air conditioner. It was face down in the stream we cleaned a couple of weeks ago. Don't tell me it came out of some angler's vest. It took 3 strong fellas to pull it out of about 4 feet of water.

    Now my husband says there will only be warm water downstream of there.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Commerce City CO


    I'm not sure if this would quailfy or not.
    I know where I left everything, It just wasn't there when I got home.
    It seems my EX was a little ticked off about something I said. It was along the lines "Now that I'm going to be single again I'll have more time to fish"
    Well I have the time but every bit of my stuff is gone. From my Vice to both of my T&T's 4 reels waders vest ect, ect. I think you get the idea...

    I feel your pain Frog.


    "Information is Abundant, Wisdom is Scarce"

  5. #15


    Yesterday my pack got flipped over and I had to fish my scissors, floatant (Ironically the bottle sinks like a rock), forceps, and about 2 dozen streamers out of the cold stream with my net. Talk about fun!

  6. #16


    I lost about an 8 lb rainbow after about a 40 minute fight when my fishing partner banged it over the head with the landing net. It was at the boat!!!!!!!!

    <A HREF="http://www.wolfmountainfly.com
    "A" TARGET=_blank>www.wolfmountainfly.com
    "A</A> proud FAOL Sponsor"

  7. #17


    Sound like your adventures is, par for the course! If it is of any comfort at all, remember the word "Travel" (To make a journey) and the word Travail (Great pain or agony), are variations from the orginial root word from the Latin.

    To Travel, is to also experience some Travails along the journey. The two words are also listed together in my dictionary, with Travail on top of Travel The word above "Travail", is "Trash", which is what happened to your Waders you punch some hole in before losing off the back end of the pickup,the rod and reel that were lost by the brother-in-law, and the Fly Rod you broke.

    ~ Parnelli

    Down in the meadow in a little bitty pool
    Swam three little fishies and a mama fishie too
    "Swim" said the mama fishie, "Swim if you can"
    And they swam and they swam all over the dam

    Boop boop diddum dadaddum waddum chew!
    Boop boop diddum dadaddum waddum chew!
    Boop boop diddum dadaddum waddum chew!
    And they swam and they swam all over the dam

    [This message has been edited by Steven H. McGarthwaite (edited 12 May 2005).]

  8. Default

    Thus far.....too many flies to mention. I tied all winter and now it's early May and I'm already running out of the "must haves".

    More significantly, I broke my Gatti the other night, roll cast the tip right into an immovable object. D'OH!

    Lost my tippet holder and all the 2x,3x, 4x, 5x and 6x mono. Not to mention the 4x 5x and 6x FC. That one cost me a few bux.

    And just this past weekend, I lost my magnetic fly patch. Spent $14 for it and it lasted less than one weekend.

    None of it's a big deal, but dammit anyway......

  9. #19


    I've lost three pairs of polarized sunglasses. Good thing I buy the 20 dollar kind and not the Oakleys or the Action Optics.

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