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Thread: Instant Gratification

  1. #1

    Default Instant Gratification

    Which would give you more pleasure...equal pleasure...or less pleasure?

    Catching a smaller fish on an appropriately lighter rod...or catching a larger fish on a heavier rod?

  2. #2


    No Brainer, Big fish = Big fun!
    The man who coined the phrase "Money can't buy happiness", never bought himself a good fly rod!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Petaluma, Ca, USA


    THAT is a hard question for us!
    On one trip to Loreto, the MOST memorable fish of the trip was a Ballyhoo taken on a 3wt with a #10 shad fly. THAT fish took more thinking and pestering than any of the dorado, sails, small roosters (on the 3wt also), or any of the "rock fish" we pestered that trip.
    For us a LOT depends on how you have to approach the target. We would MUCH rather pester BG's on top than the biggest LM's sub-surface.
    Good question....no wrong answer.
    ....lee s.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Lake In The Hills. IL USA


    I normally outfit myself with equipment that supports what I expect to catch. But to answer the question, heavier rod and bigger fish is kewl


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Redding, Ca, USA


    Hey Lee.... How big is a Ballyhoo?

  6. #6


    I'll take a pretty fish over a big fish any day, really makes no difference to me what weight rod I catch them on. That being said, I AM planning on going for some steelhead here in the near future, so I may change my mind (though I'm really quite fond of those pretty little cutts, and I don't see that ever changing for me).

    Joe Martin

  7. #7

    Default Huh???

    Too complicated for me.

    Catch a fish=great pleasure.

    Don't need to add any more variables.

    Good Luck!

    It Just Doesn't Matter....

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Penticton BC
    Blog Entries


    To answer your question with a question. When you catch a lot of fish do you brag about the biggest or the smallest.

    The biggest of course.

    With few exceptions, most of the time the bigger fish are more of a challenge.
    For God's sake, Don't Quote me! I'm Probably making this crap up!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 1999
    Poulsbo, Washington State, U.S.A.


    I enjoy catching bigger fish to catching little ones. I don't think I like any of the reasons I can think of why I do though. Somehow it makes me feel better about myself to catch bigger ones,,, and I do not like that, but it is true. Catching a 'difficult' fish can be rewarding. Tricky cast, long, special type. Catching a big fish that is 'too easy' holds no pleasure at all. Like big-dumb-sluggish-stupidones.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Little Rock AR, wishing I was still in Anchorage, AK


    I like all fish the same my favorite fish this season was a little 14 incher, that fish was a challenge. I also think rainbows under 20 inches are funner to fight because they are fiesty, and like getting airborn.

    Oh what about the option of light rod big fish. my biggest rainbow was about 27inches I caught him on my 7 wt later that day I got out my 5wt and caught a 25 inch fish, the later was more fun-rewarding

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