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Thread: Turbo Dubbing Brush

  1. #1

    Default Turbo Dubbing Brush

    Jim Smith, of Conyers Georgia, sent me a "Turbo Dubbing Brush" jig. I have been interested in these Dubbing Brush/Boards, since reading about their use, in "The Fly Tier's Benchside Reference to Techniques and Dressing Styles" by Ted Leeson & Jim Schollmeyer, published by Amato Publications (FAOL Sponsor. If you have this book the various uses can be found in Chapter 10, Section 4, of the book.

    It is a very well throughout design that, is simple to setup and use, with little touches to make use easier on the tier. Example is the non-slip matting that is secured to the bottom of the board, for secure placement on the table top, during operation. Effective yet simple design spring clips to hold the threads (or wire), while constructing the dubbing brush.

    Now I just have to clear the table top of other stuff (housekeeping) to try this Turbo Dubbing Brush, on some fly patterns. I will post more later.

    If anyone else has tried Jim's "Turbo Dubbing Brush" please tell me what you think.~Parnelli

    Jim can be contacted...

    Email: jwsmiths@bellsouth.net

  2. #2


    WarrenP demonstrated one that was a gift from ohiotuber during our visit to Tulahoma, TN last June.
    Quite an interesting and well made aid to fly tying.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Bonneau, SC USA



    I received one of Jims fine Turbo Dubbing Blocks when
    he visited me early this past spring. It is as you
    say, a well thought out and well constructed fly
    tying tool that works better than any I've seen. I
    am most impressed. I can turn out dubbing brushes
    in nothing flat.*G*

    I believe he keeps a few extra on hand that he sells.
    He can be reached at jwsmiths@bellsouth.net. I try
    to watch the fly swaps and when I see his name on a
    swap, I try to jump in. Fantastic tyer and he seems
    to come up with a lot of unique and effective
    patterns.*G* I had the opportunity to fish with him
    for almost a week this year and you couldn't ask for
    a more personable companion to chase bluegills with.
    Warm regards, Jim

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2004



    I usually try and tie flies each evening before going to bed, but, have discovered that sometimes that is not the "stress reliever" it ususally is. Since receiving the dubbing brush maker, I will just sit and make up several dubbing brushes to be used later when I am in the tying mood. They are a real time saver and sure a lot of fun experimenting with different material to make dubbing brushes. For instance, filling the groove with dubbing material and then laying a hackle on top and spinning it all together. I enjoy using mine and I feel it is well made and thought out. I really appreciate receiving it as a gift from "ohiotuber" and Jack. I use the ultra size ribbing wire which comes in several different colors which adds to the effect of the dubbed body. After you have "played" with it for awhile and you learn any new tricks, please post them here so I can try them.
    Fly fishing and fly tying are two things that I do, and when I am doing them, they are the only 2 things I think about. They clear my mind.

  5. #5


    I got one from jim a couple weeks back and have puttered about with it a bit...the brushes make for a great simi seal leech. with the wire loop adding weight for quicker sinking. where I found the tool to really excel is in making scuds. I don't really like dubbing scud flies, a process I find tedious at best. with the dubbing brush though you can dub and tie a perfect scud in no time. that's about my only experience w/ it to date as I've got a lotta other projects to complete at the bench. cool well crafted tool. reasonably priced as well.


  6. #6


    Steven ...I think your email address for Jim is wrong ...just got a refusal ...you may want to edit...I'm about to try Jim H's....

  7. #7



    Thank you about the email typo for Jim Smith, I corrected the email address, in the original post. ~Parnelli

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Wondervu, CO


    I built a little dubbing brush jig based on pic's in the Flytyer's Benside Reference. I had a lot of fun spinning real cool dubbing brushes. But I am challenged in finding uses for them!

    Aside from some caddis patterns and woolly worms I can't seem to think of patterns to make.

    What do you all use them for?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Lakeland, FL USA



    I have found many patterns that a dubbing brush makes easier to tie and some patterns that I think you must use a dubbing brush to tie. I use them on nymphs, flymphs, softhackles, scuds, dragonfly nymphs, crawfish patterns, leaches, and even some streamers. The dubbing twister allows you to use material like marabou feathers or full-length fur to make dubbing brushes. I have one leach pattern where I use rabbit fur cut off the pelt and laid perpendicular to the wire. When I twist it up, I get a nice full brush almost 1/2 wide that makes a nice large profile body that moves in the water. Use your imagination and play around with it. I think you'll begin to see many applications and new ways to use traditional materials in your patterns. I have invited several of the people that use these dubbing twisters to post their findings and patterns on this BB so that we can share information. Please feel free to email me if you have any questions.

    Jim Smith

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Missoula, MT USA


    Thanks dude, I got mine today. Great litte tool. I made a brush with it and it works the way it's supposed to. Can't wait to tie up some rediculous streamers with it.

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