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Thread: I've got splinters....

  1. #1

    Default I've got splinters....

    I think I've somehow gotten some bamboo splinters under my skin, and it doesn't look like I'll be able to get them out anytime soon. In fact, I've been told that over the next year or so, it's going to get worse (it seems they're going to eventually work their way into my bloodstream). Man, what the HELL have I gotten myself into???

    Joe Martin
    Salem, OR

  2. #2


    Joe - it's not the splinters that are the problem with bamboo. It's the viral infection that comes along with it. It will cause undue strain on your system that will make it seem as if you've turned back into a kid and fallen quite smittenly head-over-heels again. It will also make you do things and buy things that no person in their right mind would.

    But - as there are little perscriptions available for viral infections - as the doc says - best they're just let to run their course. Medicinal applications are for comfort only.

    When the infection flares - the best comfort is to hold or work with the source of your infection. Yes, you must handle that Tonkin grass again. After that, if it doesn't help ...... I take a shot of Single Malt to tide me over until it subsides.

    I'm not sure how long the viral infection lasts - I'm heading on 6 mos and ..... no end in sight (getting worse actually).


  3. #3


    Hello Joe, you must have been surprised at the ensuing euphoria not normally associated with run of the mill splinters. How's that homemade planing form coming? The node press?



  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    keizer oregon USA

    Default splinters

    If Joe wants to give more info he can. Suffice it to say, our fishn trips together are gonna be somewhat curtailed. Thats all right, hes gonna be learning Boo building from one of the best in the bussiness. Joe is quite a bit younger than me, not married and footloose and fancyfree. Ill be here in case he needs a shoulder to lean on. Aint that what trout/boo bums do?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Gaithersburg, MD/Gettysburg, PA


    Wow Joe! That sounds pretty cool. Go ahead and put me on your list of custom builds some day down the road! By the time your finished learning it all, I should finally be able to afford one! Best of luck and make sure to keep us updated. I've been havin a blast with my lot so far. Just started stripping my rapidan this week, and its getting its first coat of varnish tonight! I'm pumped and hopefully I can get it back to fish-able shape by next week.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Rocky Mount, Virginia USA


    I can't wait to see what that poject boo pile turns into!!! LOL. Your life's over Joe! Some guy's have all the luck!

    Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati .... "When all else fails...Play dead"

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