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Thread: Problems fishing in states that allow Sunday hunting?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    southwest Virginia

    Default Problems fishing in states that allow Sunday hunting?

    As I understand the proposal,the Dept. Game & Inland Fisheries of Virginia is planning on sending out questionnaires to 5,000 license purchasers this year to see what their feelings are about Sunday hunting.

    Unfortunately, the Game folks don't control and can't change the No-Sunday-Hunting ban in Virginia; that would have to come about through the Legislature.

    Some of the previous reasons given for continuing the ban was that folks that were out fishing were afraid to have hunters afield at the same time; some said that they wear orange while fishing during hunting season (big game for deer and bear)and other folks said they wanted a hunting free day to enjoy hiking, biking, bird watching, etc.

    Was curious as to your experiences in states that allow Sunday hunting? I believe Virginia is one of only about 7-8 states that do not allow Sunday hunting at the present.

  2. #2


    Well, Sunday hunting has always been allowed in Arkansas and as far as I know there has never been a fly fisherman killed or wounded by a hunter...

    But if you're sneakin' through the woods to get to a honey hole, I would think an orange vest would be a good idea during big game season... especially deer or turkey. On the river, I wouldn't worry too much... until the rises you see are followed by a loud report...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 1999
    Poulsbo, Washington State, U.S.A.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Lakeview, NY. USA


    During the shotgun season, I'll take my 21 guage mossberg out when fly fishing. I'll hunt deer on my way in and out and fish the rest.

    I'm for Sunday hunting, it's like a biathlon.
    There's no sense in being dumb unless you get to show it off once in a while...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 1999
    Poulsbo, Washington State, U.S.A.


    You use that 21 guage in your work?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Western Portal Sequoia National Forest & the G.T.W., Kern River, CA.


    What a truly unique idea, but then wouldn't this open up a debate about having a non-blood sport day each week. We'll call it a Friendly Forrest Day, so there goes fishing. Seems to me the funds for the study would be better spent in a mandatory annual continuing education program for all hunters.

    Alcohol was a contributing factor in the only negative encounters I've ever had with hunters, while hunting or fishing. I don't think in either case those rummed up yahoo's knew or cared what day it was.

    Best, Dave

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Chris Jacobs
    During the shotgun season, I'll take my 21 guage mossberg out when fly fishing.

    Dyslexics UNTIE!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    southwest Virginia



    My dad was out deer hunting many years ago and a shot was fired rather close by to where he was. A short time later, probably one of those "yahoo's" you mentioned, strolled by and asked my dad if he had seen a deer go by. My dad asked if he was the one who just shot and the reply was yes. Dad then asked what he was shooting at and the "yahoo" said, "I don't know." When dad asked why not he replied, "Well - I was just taking a SOUND shot!"
    When I asked dad what he did after that he said, "I asked the guy which way he was headed and then I went in the opposite direction."

    Don't know as I'll live long enough to see the ban on Sunday hunting in Virginia lifted; but, then, some years back never thought I'd see the "Blue Laws" shot down either. Referring to what you could and couldn't buy on a Sunday in Virginia etc.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Western Portal Sequoia National Forest & the G.T.W., Kern River, CA.


    Hi GMM,
    In my earlier comments about my misadventures, I really should've made the point that while these guys were licensed to hunt, they really weren't hunters or sportsmen.

    Something that I can only speculate on, since I don't try to keep up with the statistics, is that while I live in a state that has a very large land mass and large population. I'd bet that the number of hunters per capita is low here, when compared to your home state. The participants in outdoors activities other than hunting in your state may be much more likely to encounter hunters afield and with that greater frequency comes more reports, concerns and stir. We Californians know a thing or two about creating stir, often over nothing. So believe me when I say, if these encounters were commonplace here, they'd bring Dan Rather out of retirement.

    In all honesty, I've heard tell of more turmoil on the water between anglers than I ever had about hunters. Then again, with one or both sides being armed, what happens in the sticks, might well stay in the sticks - and that might explain the lack of complainants.

    Best, Dave

  10. #10


    I would suggest an orange vest while making ones way to a trout stream at least. Here in my neck of the woods an orange vest is urged for just taking the dog for a walk!! (yes 2 years ago a man was accidently shot doing just that!)
    A scary moment for me was during a Grouse hunt on State Land. I flushed one and my trusty 20 ga. brought it down. Another 30 yards through heavy new growth and I looked up to see a Bow Hunter in full camo in his tree stand. I saw him because he moved, and I knew I had just ruined his chances for a sucessful hunt. It could have been worse, I could have hit him had the flush been closer! I no longer bird hunt during the early bow season.

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