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Thread: Pentax Optio WP

  1. #1

    Default Pentax Optio WP

    A while back there was a discussion on this board about the above camera. I am interested in purchasing it and wondered if anyone has already done so? Also, what is the best price that you have seen? Mine is $335.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Thuwal, Saudi Arabia


    I got the 33 off of 3bay for 140. I think digital liquidators has them for about the same...great camera!

  3. #3


    I use the 33 also. Its most excellent. If only they weren't so tough I could have broken it by now and I'd have an excuse to buy the WP.

    I'm not sure if the WP has the same macro and mannual focus features as the 33 and 43 though. Its the macro, size, and water resistance that make them the cats pajamas!!


    Paul H.


    "A dry fly on the rise is the beauty mark of a lovely river."

  4. #4


    I received my new Optio WP last Wednesday. The price I paid was $349 for the camera, but I found I also needed an SD card and a spare battery, which I added on to my order. I am fairly impressed with the camera thus far, although I do not know enough about digital cameras to really offer a good analysis.
    One thing for certain, this camera has several bells and whistles! Being somewhat technologically challenged, I'm finding the 181 page Users' Manual a bit much for my ability to comphrehend at first reading. Fortunately, there is a "Green Button" feature that pre-sets the camera for point-and-shoot pictures. Eventually, I hope to learn how to set the different parameters to take advantage of all of the features of the camera.
    One thing I really like - this thing is small enough to easily fit in your shirt pocket. I've put my camera in a cloth Bauer reel bag for a little protection and to make it less likely to slide out of my pocket when bending over to unhook the behemoths I expect to catch! Now, if anyone can tell a dumb ol' country boy how to quickly and easily set the different parameters of this camera for various lighting and backgrounds, I'm all ears!

  5. #5



    I just ordered my Optio WP yesterday and did order an SD card but not an extra battery. How many pix should I expect from a fully charged battery?

    I really can't imagine taking too many pix while on the water which is what I bought this camera for. I expect to recharge it once back at my car, (with an inverter), or at an available outlet.

  6. #6


    One important button is the little 'flower' icon. That makes for extreme close-ups (macro's). Great for fly pictures. Make sure the flower is displayed and press the shutter half way until it focuses then shoot!
    Your manual will tell how many shots to expect. The higher the picture quality, the fewer pictures.
    I found the best life with nickel-metal hydride batteries, They don't seem to mind short-charging either. Look for them with at least 2300 mA, more horsepower!

    I heard the WP doesn't have regular view finder. That could be a problem in bright sunlight.

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