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Thread: Calf hair wings

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Melbourne,Victoria, Australia

    Default Calf hair wings

    Im having problems with stacking and getting calf hair wings to look good. Any suggestions/tips to help?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Richmond Texas



    Being fairly new to tying dry flies I can tell you what has worked for me. I have tied many with calf hair wings and had problems in the begining myself.

    I cut off a small clump and place in the stacker to align the tips. After removing I grasp the hair by the very tips and pull the hairs from the base to remove all the short hairs. (Usually about 2/3 of what I start with. I cut and add to the clump until there is enough for the wing.

    It seems that all those short hairs added to the problem of achieving a good looking wing. I then tie in the clump, build up the front to raise the wing, then divide with a figure eight wrap and then make several turns around each wing.

    The final results look great. The big problem was all those short hairs. Get rid of them and I'm sure the result will be what you're looking for.

    Leo C.

  3. #3


    You didn't specify whether you're using calf tail or body hair.

    Calf body stacks rather easily. Make sure to remove the shortest hairs and any fluff before you stack. A few taps should even the hair tips. If you're unhappy with the result, again remove the shortest, useless hairs and stack again.

    I only use calf tail when absolutely necessary, as I tire of its temperment.[/i]

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Carmel, ME USA


    I agree with Bugsy. I quit using calf tail long ago, opting for the straighter, more easily stacked calf body hair.

    Happiness is wading boots that never have a chance to dry out.

  5. #5


    Using calf hair is not to hard. I suggest you spray it first with Static Guard. Let it dry and then use it, you will be amazed at how much better it will stack and clean, Be sure to clean the butt's out before you stack the hair. You need to clean out the short hair and the fur from the butt section so that it will stack easier. You can do this two ways. One by holding it by the tips of the hair and flicking the butt's with your finger That will remove most of them. The other way is to hold the hair by it's tips and run a comb through the butt's. Both ways will work for you. It also helps to have a smaller hair stacker. To big of one makes it harder to stack and get out of the stacker. Ron

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Redding, Ca, USA


    Try kid goat hair it is much easier to work with.

  7. #7


    Indeed ...calf body or calftail was not specified...

    Ron...are you speaking of both?

    Also what type of wing wasn't specified...down or up...or split.

    Since I pretty much only use calf tail for down wing...I really like it...also I'm very picky when I buy a calf tail and don't seem to have a big issue with all the underfur , short hairs, as mentioned ....some but it's not excessive....and contrary to some statements I've read in the past ....calf tail will stack....I'll have to try Ron's suggestion and see if it's even easier...of course some of what I like for the down wings is it's random quality.

  8. #8


    D-man- I do the same for all of the hair I use. Just habit I guess but I find it makes the hair easier to work with. I use to use calf tails myself and still do at times but I like the calf body hair better. Just my liking I think it looks a little better on the fly.
    If tying a down wing with calf body hair I suggest trimming the butts at an angle then putting a drop of head cement on them before wrapping over them with your thread. That will keep the hair from pulling out after the fly is done.
    I have used goat to but it is harder to find. I buy a whole hide at a time from a wholesale outfit. I tell them that I want long hair or I will send it back. They usually pick me a good one as I have not had to send any back so far. I still have about a half of a hide left from the one I bought last year. I also tell them that I want it to be as much white as they can find. I use a lot of it in a years time. Ron

  9. #9
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    Magnifico! i have both tail and body hair. removing the fuzz helped but the butts are still quite thick . i will practice more

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    what other wulff patten variations have you tried?
    i had good success with deer hair tail, brown dubbed body, white deer hair wings and brown hackle.
    anyone tried a backwards royal redfloss body with peacock band? that also done ok here in australia.

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