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Thread: HMH Standard vs. HMH Spartan

  1. #1

    Default HMH Standard vs. HMH Spartan

    First, a description of my tying... I tie jigs for smallmouth fishing using rabbit, bucktail and marabou on weightless to 1/4oz jigs having 1/0 to 3/0 hooks. I have no aspirations to tie anything smaller or more complicated. I currently tie using a Cabela's knockoff of the Regal vise with a clamp base. It is adequate for my tying and I like the solid grip it has on my jigs. My only disappointment with this vise is the size of it's head impedes material adding access to my jigs when they are rotated upside down.

    I have followed threads from this board for better than a year and have read the suggested reviews and would now like to know from those using both vises... what are the differences between the HMH Standard and HMH Spartan vises. The only difference I was able to get from the company receptionist was the Spartan had a slightly shorter head. Would both of these vises have adequate holding power for my use? As I would like to be able to tie in more than one location, is the 4 1/2 lb base heavy enough for a small-handed but heavy-handed, clumsy tier such as myself?
    I am looking for reasons that would justify the price difference for my tying. Thank you all.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Amstelveen, The Netherlands



    When I did my reviews on both HMH model my conclusion was that both were excellent vises, but I could see little justification to spend the extra $100 for the HMH Standard. Both models take the same set of jaws.

    Hans W
    ===================== You have a Friend in Low Places ======================
    Hans Weilenmann, The Netherlands
    ================================================== ==============

  3. #3


    Hans... Thanks for the reply. I had read and appreciated your reviews on these two vises. It appears there is nothing unwittingly lacking in my comparison of these two or surely someone more knowledgeable than I would have spoken up.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Spring Hill, ks


    I've used both vises, settled on the spartan myself. I do a lot of big bugs, bass poppers, etc. I bought the magnum jaw for the larger hooks. I tend to be a bit heavy handed myself and find that the pedestal base is more than heavy enough. I've been tying on it for about three years now, have absolutely no complaints except that I don't have nearly enough time to play with it
    If it swims and eats, it'll eat a fly.

  5. #5


    Bluegill... Thank you for providing the confirmation I was hoping for.

  6. #6


    I have an HMH Spartan. I really like that vise. I got the Universal jaw in mine and ties everything from #22 midges to #2 bass flies. I know I could tie larger flies, but I have not found a need yet. There is a #4 Surf Candy on a saltwater hook in the vise right now waiting for me to buy epoxy today. It's a fantastic vise.

    I looked at the Std and the Spartan. As mentioned above, the head is a little shorter on the Spartan. The jaws are the same in both vises. Same holding power etc. Save the money and buy the Spartan. You wont be sorry. You can spend the price difference on tying materials or something.

    Trout, Bass, Carp, Whatever!

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