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Thread: white ultra wire

  1. #1

    Default white ultra wire

    A few weeks ago I bought two spools of white ultra wire in size medium. I have been researching and cannot find a pattern that uses this. Can anyone help me out.

  2. #2


    The good thing about fly tying is that you can tie anything with anything. Try tying a Hare's ear nymph with the white wire as a rib. Or you can tie a Pheasant tail nymph with it. Might be a good fly that catch's a lot of fish? Never know what will work in this game. Any nymph with wire in the pattern could be one you try with the white wire. You could also use it to rib Wooly Bugger's. All white Buggers work well here. What ever trips your trigger. Good tying. Ron

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Anderson, South Carolina (Northwest corner of SC) USA


    Hi Warmwater,

    I once watched a cooking show about New Orleans style cooking which summed up an important lesson about fly tying. The instructor was explaining how to do a recipe to a novice cook and named an ingredient that the novice didn't have. The novice asked what to do if you didn't have that ingredient and the cook responded, "Whatever you got." The novice asked the same question several more times during the show and received the same response.

    The same holds true for fly tying. When it comes to a particular pattern. " Whatever you got." In fly tying, the rule is even more liberal, it's "Whatever you want." 8T

  4. #4


    Well IF you are lucky enough to have a Trico hatch near you and you enjoy fishing dinky flies, try making a female Trico with a white Ultra Wire abdomen.

    I tie and use them for those Trico sippers that prefer the sunken spinners over the high floating variety. I use Fibbettes for the tail, white Ulra Wire for the abdomen and black or dark brown dubbing for the thorax. Pearl Crystal Flash tied spent makes up the wing.

    Try them, they work!

    BTW I also make an all black version too.

  5. #5


    Learned a long time ago, that White can become any color you want, with the help of some Sharpie's (Permanent Ink Markers). This works for white thread, white dubbing, even white coated wire.

    I take a basic fly tying kit with me, when I am fishing away from home base area. I only take the White Stuff, (Thread, Wire, Dubbing) an assortment of hooks, and a packet of Sharpie's.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Lakeland, FL USA


    If you don't already have a turbo dubbing twister, I suggest you get one and make about 10,000 dubbing brushes to use on all sorts of patterns. Email me if you're interested in a Turbo Dubbing twister.

    Jim Smith

  7. #7


    Thanks everyone. Using the sharpies is a great idea, why didn't I think of that?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    I can vouch for Jim Smith's Tubo Dubbing Twister. Great quality and lots of fun making dubbing brushes. Give him a call.
    Fly fishing and fly tying are two things that I do, and when I am doing them, they are the only 2 things I think about. They clear my mind.

  9. #9


    Pictures ...a little description??????

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Nashville, TN. USA
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    I also like a light colored wire to use as ribbing on crayfish patterns tied pale to represent soft-shelled (recently shed) crayfish. The tail segments look better ribbed with a light color, IMO.

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