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Thread: Holy cow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  1. #1

    Default Holy cow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Not sure if this is the appropriate place for this post (if it's not, JC/LF, please feel free to move it), but thought it would be of interest to you fellow 'boo nuts:


    I figure if 10-15 of us got in on this it would most definitely be worth it. Basically, it'll end up running us about $28/rod!!! If say 10 of us got together on this, we'd each be getting 10(!) rods for $280! Please email me if you'd be interested in this. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got a puddle of drool I need to mop up........

    Joe Martin
    Salem, OR

  2. #2


    Alright, thought I'd bump this. I'm going up to take a look at this guys collection on Wednesday evening. I'll do a rough "inventory" of his rods, and if I've got at least 10 people interested by then, I'll give him a deposit for the lot to hold them till he gets the rest of the payment. Again, feel free to email me if you'd be interested in this.

    Joe Martin
    Salem, OR

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Liberty Lake, Washington


    Holy Cow is Right!
    There has to be enough boo sticks in that mess to build at least 10-20 rods. Maybe even some that don't need a refurb. I wish I had the ware-with-all to help out. But, alas, I'll have to let someone else go for the glory. Man, would that be fun or what?
    God Bless,
    Where you go is less important than how you take the steps.
    Fish with a Friend,
    Lotech Joe

  4. #4


    Actually, from what the guy has told me, there's about 100 complete rods there. Can't wait to see them tomorrow night.

    Joe Martin
    Salem, OR

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Gaithersburg, MD/Gettysburg, PA


    I have actually been thinking, and beginning to shop for, an old rod to refinish. I dont have a "boo" (I actually have my grandfathers old rod, but its not fished - certainly not using that for re-finishing practice) and have been looking for some. I really couldnt afford to be one of 10 right now, but could maybe swing being one of 20. From the post it doesn't look like you have that much interest, but I thought I would throw it out there anyway. Let me know what you come up with. I wonder how someone gets so many darn rods, more importantly - why am I not that person!?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Lancaster, NY, USA


    Hey Photojoe,
    I'd be interested in one that is good to go. I'm not a rod builder, so the refurbs wouldn't do me any good. If they have something in a 3-5wt, 7-8.5 foot, that would be awesome.

  7. #7


    Wow. I went to look at the rods, and it was better than I expected. I thought that it would be just a mass of parts for various rods, but that wasn't the case. This guy has over 100 (120 he estimates) rods and they're COMPLETE. A number have already been refurbished, and the most work I saw that any of them needed was a couple of tip tops needing replaced. I didn't have a look at every single rod (all 100+ of them), but I'd estimate that it breaks down like this: of the 100 rods, I'd say 1/4 of them are Montys, 1/4 South Bend, 1/4 HI, and 1/4 Heddon. There's also a few of those Japanese imported rods (the one that can be used as either a fly rod or a spinning rod). He told me he'd give me until the 12th before he puts the ad back up. If I can't get 10(or more) people intersted in it by then, he'll put the ad back up, and he may start to sell off a rod here and there (he collects fishing lures, so when he finds one he wants, he usually sells a rod or 2 to pay for it). Email me if you're interested in this, and I'll email you my phone number so we can talk it over.

  8. #8


    Hi Joe,

    If you get something going on this and need another participant, let me know.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Gaithersburg, MD/Gettysburg, PA


    Anyone interested in partnering up with me? I just can't afford to go in full on this because of some surprise expenses (the darn'd car again...). I really hope that someone can because I might just be eating spageti-o's for a couple of weeks cause this seems like such a good deal. Send me an email if interested in going in, but questioning your ability to go in full.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2001
    ann arbor mi, usa


    while hot the highest end stuff there are some goodies in there. I'd be interested if the price was right. I could do without the monty sunbeams(blue reel seats in the pic) I've already got 3 of those.
    The only things we permanently keep, are those we give away-Waite Philips

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