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Thread: Pet Peeve

  1. #11


    this is what i keep telling myself, and others, when i do something others would say is wrong.
    "what ever dosnt kill you only makes you stronger"

  2. #12

    Default Re: Bite This!

    Quote Originally Posted by Jonezee
    There was a fellow last year who lost his life from biting off a bit of nylon leader with his teeth and ingesting some bacteria from the river he was fishing in. I won't go into detail, the person and place is not as important as what happened to him in the end. All people have different tolerances and more than likely this is a very rare case and most people probably would have merely gotten very ill rather than the alternative that happened to this experienced long time fisherman. I have for years bitten the leader off....I now use the trusty nail clipper instead. I guess you could call me lucky?
    Aw c'mon. You've gotta be kidding . Sounds like someone watched a few too many episodes of CSI . How does anyone know how that guy ingested some bacteria? Maybe he took a sip of the river water or he could have ingested bacteria in any number of ways.

  3. #13


    My main consideration when I bite off a tippet is that the fish won't like my breathe.

  4. #14


    We had 2 people become very ill at the Black Hills Fish-In, both had been snacking while fishing, fingers used to release fish also used to eat. No one else in the group (35 of us) was ill. We later had a Product Review by George Emmanual (still in the Product Reviews) on using Purell to prevent bacteria transmitting from your hands. They were too sick to fish for 2 days.

  5. #15


    Were they the only ones snacking?

  6. #16
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Prescott AZ
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    Having been through two Law Enforcement Academies where you have to sit through the classes on communicable diseases I dont like anything in my mouth that isnt designed to be there. If I could I would go through life with latex gloves and a bottle of bleach solution.

    I can tell you that anytime you put anything near your eyes mouth or nose you take a chance of making your self sick. Thus the way they are teaching kids etc to cover their mouth with there inner elbow when they sneeze, less chance of germs from the door knob etc geting in the system.

    I agree the fish in the mouth would look better than the rod in the mouth.

    "Complexity is easy; Simplicity is difficult."
    Georgy Shragin
    Designer of ppsh41 sub machine gun

  7. #17


    Eric- I have to agree with you. Do to medical things I now have to be careful of what I take in my mouth and get near that area. I get infection's real easy there. Two in the last 4 month's And it isn't cheap for the drug's to get rid of it. Levaquin is what they are giving me and it costs about $110.00 for 10 pill's that I have to take. Much easier to keep things clean down there. I have to use forceps on my throat at time's and have to be careful of things that we are talking about here.
    I know of a guy that got the Moose Trot's because he was fishing beaver ponds and eating at the same time so it can happen.
    You folks be careful out there you don't need getting sick if you don't have to and remember that "other" animals do things in those streams and river we love to fish. Ron

  8. #18


    That's Giardia....pretty much in all of our streams now,,,

    Any time.....

    WASH YOUR HANDS!!!!!...when you do something think of what you might be carrying on your hands....

    Hey if you do that you might even catch more fish...

  9. #19


    i took a microbiology class, and some of the things i learned were disgusting, but i havnt got sick yet and i probably should be a little more careful

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